Monday, 22 December 2014

Evaluation for Transformers unit and Endgame.


During the process, I found it very slow to start and I was confused as to what idea was going to be set in stone. Also i felt there was a miss communication between the actors and production, as i didn't think either of us knew when there was a production meeting. If there was a time when we had to do the same kind of unit again, I would make sure that we all had each others emails or some way of contact, this is so we can all have and understanding of when we work with production and when there is a production meeting and where it's held. 

We finally came up with a solid idea basing the piece of a episode from the t.v show 'Black Mirror.' An episode in which there is a couple and the boyfriend sadly died, to morn the girlfriends loss, she found a kind of technology, that allows her to talk to him again and eventually see him in person again. our original idea is to keep to the story as much as possible but we found that making it into a 10 -15 minuet piece would be difficult to portray the emotion we want without making the performance longer. So we changed our take on it, instead of keeping to the story, we looked into the themes of loss and memory and using the reflection trick to give of the sense of memory. 

During the production I found it so much fun, I loved having to do show after show. I had grown to enjoy the performance and the people I worked with. I felt confident in what we were doing at this point, whereas before I was nervous as to wether the performance would give the emotions we wanted.  

If we were to do this show again, I would definitely insist on defining and perfecting the physicality of the piece and also the use of reflection. I would look into making sure both actors are not blocking each other. I would improve the physicality to possibly make every movement have a symbolic effect to it. I would have a look into the music in the performance and play around with it, to experiment on what different music gives of what emotions, I would like to see how changing the music or not having music would change what the audience take from this piece. 


During the process of this unit I always felt confused because i struggled to understand what they were teaching me and how that helped create a show, I found it difficult learning with PowerPoint and listening to what is being said, to get past this I tried to understand during theory lessons and work harder in the practical lessons to try and link the two together. I would also make sure to ask questions to the tutors about anything I am unsure of. 

During the lessons we had, we learnt about 'the distance game' where you and your partner can do a scene but retain the same distance all the time. Doing this could create the  a state of tension. we also developed a connection in our group. we did this by doing an exercise where we would walk around and with no leader we would all clap or jump in unison. Doing this could make an actor have a sense of awareness on stage. 

I felt nervous due to the time we had to create a show, but now that the show is done, I have realised that I shouldn't put so much pressure on myself because I found that we could create a short performance with what time we had. If I was to do this performance again I would try to spend more time developing the piece and working on more physical work, such as making the dance piece longer and defining the themes behind the piece. I would also suggest using other sources for lighting and sound. when looking around the black box i noticed a couple of the lights rigged pointing down, i thought this could be a interesting way of using light, by having spotlights dotted around the stage to create a sort of prison like effect, with limited light could suggests the themes of being trapped. 

I enjoyed the day of the show, although I was annoyingly ill. I again liked the sense of rush before each performance. I also felt confident in the performance and enjoyed working with everyone. I found that on the day of the show, the atmosphere was very relaxed and easy, everyone just got on with what they needed to do. when drawing on the walls for the set, i felt that we worked so well as group, and we were comfortable in each others company. 

Thursday, 11 December 2014

getting old

Hey guys,
Just thinking about Vanessa's idea for fringe, which was age/ growing old.
Here's a heart warming video for you guys to think about.
What I get from this is how people change. They keep key aspect of who they are, but loose dreams, ambition and  fantasy
All though many people go on to pursue said dreams, others get swept up in life, day to day going on.
Let me know what you think gringos.

well done

Well done Endgame cast and backstage. A well judged, engaging and very moving performance. Great to see some new acting styles emerging and some considered directing approaches. Hurrah you, please do an evaluation of transformers and beckett projects on the blog so we can complete assessments.
Well done have a brilliant Christmas and very Happy New Year.

Monday, 8 December 2014

BBC Series: Remember Me

I have been watching Remember Me recently and even though I am not the biggest fan of ghosts I wanted to watch this because I liked the idea of the plot and wondered how they were going to shoot the scenes and what type of language they going to use. I strongly recommend watching it, it's only three episodes and an 1hr for each one. Michael Palin and Jodie Conor star, as well as others.

Nagg & Nell: Extra Scenes?

Replaced/Extra Scene for Nagg & Nell: Could just do the first section,  but they do work together well also. The idea of Nell's last words being "I was trying" gives the perception that she has given up. This scene/s would be before the dream scene where there was originally Hamm and Clov's story. Any feedback would be great. 

Can you believe it?
That we once went out rowing on Lake Como.
One April afternoon.
We had got engaged the day before.
You were in such fits that we capsized. By rights we should have been drowned.
It was deep, deep. And you could see down to the bottom. So white. So clean.

Do you not want your biscuit?
I'll keep it for you.
I thought you were going to leave me.
I am going to leave you.
Could you give me a scratch before you go?
In the back.
Rub yourself against the rim.
Yesterday you scratched me there.
NELL (elegiac):
Ah yesterday.
Could you not?
Would you like me to scratch you?
Are you crying again?

I was trying.

Endgame Poster!?

What do you guys think of this as a poster? I can make adjustments, thanks.

Endgame-Role's picture

You may have to zoom in on the picture to see what it says but thought I would post it anyways as Leonie asked me to.

Gone a tad disney crazy- Valentines Event

Right so I think I’ve gone a tad Disney crazy. I have looked through A LOT of Disney films and taken some song lyrics (some well known and some not as well known) and some sayings/quotes from these films as well. I put them into categories of emotions and I even colour coordinated them into which Disney films they are taken from (such as orange is Hercules purple is Tangled) to make things easier. I have also had a quick think about my character for the v event as well. I thought I could be like that of Giselle from the Disney film Enchanted (which the lines in the colour the lightest blue is from) I feel like this character is living in a dream world and like a real life fairytale princess who believes there is no bad and love solely comes from a true loves kiss which I think is perfect. If anyone has anymore suggestions please let me know as I say this was just my first idea.

This is a clip and the trailer from Enchanted if you haven’t seen the film or would like to see what I mean.
Angry scene (I love at about half way through this when she gets excited about being angry)-


·         I wish you every happiness

·         I finally no where I belong

·         I’ve been on this incredible journey I’ve seen and learnt so much

·         Oh he’s nothing but a big sweetheart

·         You are my dream

·         Standing here it’s all so clear I’m where I’m meant to be

·         At last I see the light and it’s like the fog has lifted

·         It’s warm and real and bright and the world has somehow shifted

·         All at once everything looks different now that I see you

·         So this is love

·         So this is the miracle that I’ve been dreaming of

·         Fairytales can come true

·         What a perfectly perfect life it’s a fairytale come true I’m a princess and wife all because I fit a shoe

·         When I dreamed of love who would have guessed I’d end up here

·         I’ll trust my heart what more can I do

·         I will take a chance on love to get my once upon a time

·         A dream is a wish your heart makes

·         You’ll love me at once the way you did once upon a dream

·         Don’t you remember we’ve met before

·         If I know you I’ll know what you’ll do

·         When we’re together grey skies are clearer

·         We belong together yes we do

·         None of them will ever love you the way I do

·         You’re going to see its our destiny

·         It’s a beautiful night and they call it belle norte

·         People down here think I’m crazy but I don’t care

·         Tale as old as time true as it can be

·         Barely even friends then somebody bends unexpectedly

·         Can you feel the love tonight

·         The world for once in perfect harmony

·         There’s nobody like him anywhere at all

·         A whole new world

·         A thrilling chase a wondrous place for you and me

·         A new fantastic point of view no one to tell us no or were to go or say we’re only dreaming

·         Its crystal clear that now I’m in a whole new world with you

·         Let me share this whole new world with you

·         I’m ready to know what the people no

·         Wow am I so ready for this change

·         I’m getting what I’m dreaming of a chance to change my lonely world

·         Here I stand in the light of day

·         We only have each other just you and me

·         True that he’s no prince charming but there’s something in him I simply didn’t see


·         A smile would lift my spirits so much

·         But who’s going to rescue me

·         I’m sorry that’s just so sad

·         To never be with the one you love and doomed to be with another doomed for all eternity

·         The world is dark and cruel if it finds a slight ray of sunshine it destroys it

·         Why don’t I get a happy ending where’s the prince who’ll marry me

·         Somewhere there must be someone who loves me and show me a world that I never new

·         I always dreamed my life would be a fairy tale a perfect fantasy

·         Poor unfortunate souls in pain in need

·         They stay all day in the sun wondering free with I could be part of that world

·         What would I give if I could live out of these waters

·         When’s it my turn

·         Wish I could be part of that world

·         Its agony to wait

·         I know you mean well but leave me be yes I’m alone but I’m alone and free


·         This is a very big day

·         I can’t believe I did this

·         Best day ever

·         It was you it was all you

·         Just wonder when will my life begin

·         I know you I walked with you once upon a dream

·         When the moment is right you confess your love

·         Isn’t this amazing

·         Be still my heart I’m hardly breathing

·         And snap the jobs a game

·         Supercalafragalisticexpiallidochous (This is spelt wrong)

·         Oh happiness is blooming all around her

·         Unbelievable sights indescribable feeling

·         We got no troubles life is the bubbles under the sea

·         Seems life is sweeter we’ve got the beat here naturally

·         For the first time in forever I won’t be alone

·         I can’t wait to meet everyone what if I meet the one

·         We laugh and talk all evening which is totally bizarre nothing like the life I’ve lead so far

·         For the first time in forever I could be noticed by someone

·         I know I’m totally crazy to dream I’ll find romance but for the first time in forever at least I’ve got a chance

·         A chance to find true love

·         For the first time in forever nothings in my way

·         Add a cricket for luck


·         Well you’re not a very nice old man

·         Use your head

·         No chance no way I won’t say it no no

·         My head is screaming get a grip girl

·         For the rest of my life I won’t stop

·         I’m a very busy woman I haven’t got all day

·         I don’t care what they’re going to say

·         I think some company is overdue I’ve started talking to the picture on the walls

·         I’m tired of monkeying around

·         You haven’t got a clue

·         Don’t you turn your back on it don’t you turn away

Shocked/Not sure/Anxious/Worried

·         Well it’s always nice to make new friends

·         Oh no this is bad this is bad this is very very bad

·         You should know this is the strangest thing I’ve ever done

·         You can’t tell anyone about this ok? It could ruin my whole reputation

·         All those days watching from a window all those years outside looking in

·         All those days chasing down a daydream all those years living in a blur

·         Look at the world so close and I’m half way to it

·         You are like nothing I’ve ever seen before

·         A handsome sturdy husband who builds handsome sturdy walls and never dreams that something might be coming

·         Should I choose the smoothest course steady as the beating drum

·         Do you still wait for me just around the river bend

·         Do you trust me

·         When did you last let your heart decide

·         I’m like a shooting star I’ve come so far I can’t go back to where I used to be

·         On the whole I’ve been a saint

·         No it can’t be I’ll just ignore

Helpful/Advice/sometimes dream like

·         Shall I suggest we look elsewhere for your bride

·         True loves kiss it’s the most powerful thing in the world

·         I’d given up hope that someone would come along

·         How does she know you love her how do you know he’s true

·         That’s how you know he’s your love

·         A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength but by the size of his heart

·         We all do crazy things when we’re in love

·         Try to keep it hidden hunny we can see right through you

·         I won’t say I told you so

·         If he’s such a dreamboat go and put him to the test

·         Well that’s the good part you can look for a new dream

·         It is all as it should be

·         Everything will be the way that it was I promise

·         Hey it’s going to be alright

·         All that time never even knowing just how blind I’ve been

·         If you keep on believing the dream that you wished will come true

·         You’ll be happy forever I no bibbity bobity boo

·         It felt more than just a storybook romance

·         Through faith and love till we find our place on the path unwinding

·         The circle of life and it moves us all

·         I can see what’s happening and they don’t have a clue

·         With all this romantic atmosphere disasters in the air

·         I fortunately no a little magic it’s a talent that I always have possessed

·         The men up there don’t like a lot of blabber they think a girl that gossips is a bore

·         On land its much preferred for a lady not to say a word

·         She who holds her tongue gets her man

·         The seaweed is always greener in  somebody else’s lake

·         Such wonderful things around you what more is you looking for

·         Flipping your fins you don’t get to far legs are required for jumping dancing

·         Your life awaits

·         We can work this out together

·         The past is in the past let it go

·         When life gets tough I like to hold on to my dream

·         You don’t have to be afraid

·         The bare necessities of life will come to you

·         Once you find your centre you’re sure to win

·         If you walk the footsteps of a stranger you’ll learn things you never new

·         We are all connected to each other


·         It feels so good when we start out

·         I won’t say I’m in love

·         I didn’t no they did that anymore

·         I never see you anymore come out the door it’s like you’ve gone away

·         They say have courage and I’m trying to I’m right out here for you

·         Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

·         Can it be I’m not meant to play this part

·         Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me why is my reflection someone I don’t know

·         When will my reflection show who I am inside

·         Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl the girl who has everything

·         How can there be so much that you don’t no

Multiple meanings-don’t no where to put

·         What’s not to like

·         Your my one last hope it’s up to you

·         Is wonder boy for real

·         Wonder boy you are perfect

·         I can go the distance

·         I will go most anywhere to feel like I belong

·         Look in the mirror what do you see? I see a strong independent confident young woman oh look you’re here to

·         Great now I’m the bad guy

·         I have dreams like you no really

·         Did I ever tell you I have a thing for brunettes

·         There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you

·         What a dog what a dog

·         If he’s a tramp he’s a good one and I wish that I could travel his way

·         Pumber not in front of the kids

·         No one saying do this no one saying be there no one saying stop that no one saying see here

·         Be prepared

·         Even you can’t be caught unaware

·         It has to be today

·         Gee cousin Louie your doing real good

·         Somehow I cannot hide who I am though I’ve tried

·         Can you paint with all the colours of the wind

·         There may be something there that wasn’t there before

Food (If people have food I can say these things in reference to it)

·         Be our guest

·         Soup dishore hot orders well we only live to serve try the grey stuff its delicious don’t believe me ask the dishes

·         A dinner here is never second best

·         A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down

·         It’s to die for

·         One jump ahead of the breadline