Wednesday, 30 April 2014
From Lissie
Hi all, I'm sorry but after all I'm not going to make it. Break a leg! Also, when you exit the station on the big car park side, turn left towards the back of the car park. Go all the way to the back, near Waitrose, and go under the bridge. Follow the path and you'll see a big field and the college. I hope it goes great x
Last day of rehearsal notes.
14.23 14.35
jack should you go to victim in the beginning?
don't look at victim or flashbacks
cue for first pointing
not sure about all doing wah wahs. only one? jack?
not sure i know that dan is leader fot he band yet during jordan and victor speech.
let's say flashback.
maybe noone mention the time apart from gerri.
1450 1450
jack last bit really good but too late put it in before?
dan monologue not say the person least suspect.
dan monologue; cheer it up a bit
jack should you go to victim in the beginning?
don't look at victim or flashbacks
cue for first pointing
not sure about all doing wah wahs. only one? jack?
not sure i know that dan is leader fot he band yet during jordan and victor speech.
let's say flashback.
maybe noone mention the time apart from gerri.
1450 1450
jack last bit really good but too late put it in before?
dan monologue not say the person least suspect.
dan monologue; cheer it up a bit
Monday, 28 April 2014
from the creative media course we met.
Hi Vanessa
One of my 2nd year students is looking for a female actor to be in his Final Major Project - It's quite an intense piece that explores depression, so the actor would have to be aware of that
If anyone is interested Josh's email is
Sunday, 27 April 2014
Script two: Bet & Frank
Bet & Frank come to the floor:
Bet: Nice piece you played back there Frank Lee. Very moving, very moving indeed. You could tell it was right from the heart. Not that I cared much for the man, but I suppose you must have been very close after all these years.
Frank: You liked that, did you Bet? I wrote it myself, you know.
Bet: Yes, you said.
Frank: Back in the day I would have called that man my friend - my dear friend. But he changed, Bet. Either that or I became aware of what a slimy, crafty, deceitful character he really was. Did you know that our latest album - "Someone Stop the Music" was actually written by yours truly here? But is my name credited anywhere - you bet your sweet life it isn't. And who's name is credited? Well, I bet you don't need three guesses for that. No, Mr. Ivor Keychange has taken all the credit and when I' talked to him about it, he merely said that my "contributions" towards the writing were so "negligible" they really weren't worth mentioning.
Bet: Hey, you don't need to tell me how deceiving and double-crossing Ivor Keychange was. It was me that had to nurse my brother back after his nervous breakdown whenever Ivor took his place in the band. What I would have said and done to that man if I had the chance.
Bet: Nice piece you played back there Frank Lee. Very moving, very moving indeed. You could tell it was right from the heart. Not that I cared much for the man, but I suppose you must have been very close after all these years.
Frank: You liked that, did you Bet? I wrote it myself, you know.
Bet: Yes, you said.
Frank: Back in the day I would have called that man my friend - my dear friend. But he changed, Bet. Either that or I became aware of what a slimy, crafty, deceitful character he really was. Did you know that our latest album - "Someone Stop the Music" was actually written by yours truly here? But is my name credited anywhere - you bet your sweet life it isn't. And who's name is credited? Well, I bet you don't need three guesses for that. No, Mr. Ivor Keychange has taken all the credit and when I' talked to him about it, he merely said that my "contributions" towards the writing were so "negligible" they really weren't worth mentioning.
Bet: Hey, you don't need to tell me how deceiving and double-crossing Ivor Keychange was. It was me that had to nurse my brother back after his nervous breakdown whenever Ivor took his place in the band. What I would have said and done to that man if I had the chance.
Please let me know of what you think of this script and if it needs to be edited more?
If you haven't seen my last blog "Script" - please check it out and again let me know what you think - it would be very helpful.
Anna x
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Bet: Personality, Outfit, Makeup, Hair
Bet's Character:
While I was watching the actor playing her character it made me think of the maids in Mary Poppins who are played by Hermione Baddeley and Reta Shaw. Unfortunately I can't find a video of their characters but that is how I see Bet - a combination of them and the Coronation Street character - strict, firm but has a soft side to her.
Ideas for Outfit, Makeup, Hair:
Outfit 1 & 2 - Inspiration from Kat (Eastenders)
Skin tight black leggings and top and a sheer shirt with gold studs.
High heels that match the colour of the shirt.
(Outfit 2: the same as above but a overload of a purple jacket)
Maybe accessories with large gold earrings (hoops).
Drag-queen isn makeup, loud and bright colours.
Hair in a high pony with a quiff
Outfit 3 & 4 - Inspiration from Mary Poppins's maids.
Black leggings or wrapped jeans with a smart-ish shirt.
Black heels to give a sophisticated, business look to her character.
Minimal jewellery.
Side plait or hair down.
Minimal makeup - contoured face.
Outfit 5 & 6 - Inspiration from all three.
Outfit 5 - Black leggings and a fitted peplum top with gold studs, high black heels - accessories with gold jewellery.
Outfit 6 - (More of a confident/available Bet - inspiration from Kat - Eastenders) Fitted body-con dress and black heels to match.
Both outfits would could either have hair up or down and could have more of a bolder face of makeup. Red lips, smokey eye, long lashes and a bronzed contoured face.
I think for this I'm still not highly sure but I am thinking of somewhere in-between outfit 1 & 3. Please let me know what you think?!
If you haven't seen my last post please have a look, thanks!
Bet's introduction:
Welcome and good evening to "The Abobninal Rodney"! My name is Bet Wynch and I'm the landlady of this establishment. Unfortunately we are here under these sad circumstances, and yes I know some of you don't want to be here (look at Ida) but there is a lovely surprise in store - my brother Jimmy Penny will be performing! As well as our regular entertainer (Introducing Jakko's character)
(Become strict).... Now I want no funny business here - (get nicer) I will be at the bar serving drinks and the eats will be coming out later. Get yourselves aquatinted with each other and enjoy yourself!
Welcome and good evening to "The Abobninal Rodney"! My name is Bet Wynch and I'm the landlady of this establishment. Unfortunately we are here under these sad circumstances, and yes I know some of you don't want to be here (look at Ida) but there is a lovely surprise in store - my brother Jimmy Penny will be performing! As well as our regular entertainer (Introducing Jakko's character)
(Become strict).... Now I want no funny business here - (get nicer) I will be at the bar serving drinks and the eats will be coming out later. Get yourselves aquatinted with each other and enjoy yourself!
Bet and Melody's scene:
Bet: Psss, Mel, 'ave ya got a minute?
Melody: Well, not really Mrs. Wynch
Bet: What I was wondering was, now that you've been in The Abominable Rodney and have seen it's obvious potential - if there might be any chance you could arrange some of your other bands to hold one or two gigs here?
Melody: Well, Mrs. Wynch, Bet… The Abominable Rodney is certainly making its money this evening. You might be able to afford a lick of paint for the place now. It really does look in the need of it...
Bet: Yes, well thank you for your advice, Mel, although I don't remember asking for it. Look to be honest, Mel, strictly between you and I, things have not be going good for The Rodney lately - taking right down. Im quite worried we might have to close down down. Yes, this do has certainly been a good send. I can't believe my brother is playing tonight - his confidence has grown so much. Who knows where his career will go now?... He could go solo?... So what do you think, Mel?
Melody: Well, … um … Oh, phone's vibrating!! - Hopefully, it's Chicago. Must take this: catch you later. (American accent, walking off while talking on the phone) Hi there again, Rory, Oh how pleased I am you got through at last. You won't believe what I've just been asked …
Bet and Inspector Scene:
Bet: On the phone to the Inspector: Abominable Rodney; Bet Wynch speaking - Oh, evening, Inspector. You will have to speak up, there's a right din going off in 'ere. Yes, … um … um … really? … now? Well ok .. goodbye Inspector (put phone down). (Addressing the group) Listen up everyone, that was the inspector on the phone and he is coming around now to ask you all a few questions. (End of a scene/act - the audience have there meal)
When we return the Inspector turns up:
Bet: Good evening Inspector, come in.
Inspector: Good evening everyone. Im on here official business and have come to inform you that yesterday at 4am this morning Ivor Keychain was strangled, and pushed off the balcony of his second floor bedroom window, where he then landed, face down in the chrysanthemum bed. I would like to where all of you were this morning at 4am.
This is what I've got so far, I'm not sure if this is good or not? Oh course we can rework it over this weekend or on Monday.
Anna x
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Hi Lissie,
We really need the writing you have done for the inspecter, Anna has alot of conversation with you she is keen to work on and we are kinda stuck because your not here.
Please can you get in touch, and email me the writing you have done to by this afternoon or early this evening because we really need it and its holding us back with our devsing today.
thanks in adavnce.
The Dream team x
We really need the writing you have done for the inspecter, Anna has alot of conversation with you she is keen to work on and we are kinda stuck because your not here.
Please can you get in touch, and email me the writing you have done to by this afternoon or early this evening because we really need it and its holding us back with our devsing today.
thanks in adavnce.
The Dream team x
TIm Crouch Opportunity
You must do this, it sounds brilliant.
What is HOST?
HOST is a concept, a format that enables a performance of any discipline to be passed from one person to another in a relay motion. In May 2014 we launch the first ever HOST – a relay play by Tim Crouch. In Tim’s new play two people sit across a table. One person will read to the other Tim Couch’s text. The reading lasts 5 minutes and once completed the text is passed from the reader to the listener. The reader leaves. A new person takes their place, a new listener. The original listener becomes the reader, reading the text to the new listener. At the end of the reading the text is again passed on and a new listener enters – creating a relay. Each exchange (listening and reading) will last for 10 minutes.
HOST is a concept, a format that enables a performance of any discipline to be passed from one person to another in a relay motion. In May 2014 we launch the first ever HOST – a relay play by Tim Crouch. In Tim’s new play two people sit across a table. One person will read to the other Tim Couch’s text. The reading lasts 5 minutes and once completed the text is passed from the reader to the listener. The reader leaves. A new person takes their place, a new listener. The original listener becomes the reader, reading the text to the new listener. At the end of the reading the text is again passed on and a new listener enters – creating a relay. Each exchange (listening and reading) will last for 10 minutes.
What will volunteers do?
We need volunteers to help us ensure the relay is kept in motion. You will be on hand to step in as a reader / listener if needed, provide information to audiences / general public and be on hand to escort people to their seats. No performance experience is required to be a volunteer.
We need volunteers to help us ensure the relay is kept in motion. You will be on hand to step in as a reader / listener if needed, provide information to audiences / general public and be on hand to escort people to their seats. No performance experience is required to be a volunteer.
The Script
Can any edits be put onto this document
This will mean EVERYONE can contribute/edit without confusion.
Options for the Inspector
1. A la' Columb/Death in Paradise (Still to be seen). Silly, perhaps some physical theatre/slap stick. Actually very smart but no one realises until the end.
2. Super serious, like Sarah Lund (Forbrydelsen) or Elise Wasserman (The Tunnel). So serious its slightly silly.
N.B. Is Jack still going to help me out with my investigation? This is important because it will effect my writing/editing.
2. Super serious, like Sarah Lund (Forbrydelsen) or Elise Wasserman (The Tunnel). So serious its slightly silly.
N.B. Is Jack still going to help me out with my investigation? This is important because it will effect my writing/editing.
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Death In Paradise
Hiya guys so I thought I’d link a trailer to a programme I have watched called Death In Paradise
as I thought it was a good programme/comparison to our murder mystery piece especially for the Inspector character!. This is only a
trailer to it but yea thought it would be good to post if any of you are
interested then yea! Enjoy!.
Trevor 'Podcaster'
Trevor is a sports broadcaster so I consider him to be pretty wealthy which is why his pocket inventories are quite pricey, a sports broadcaster is dressed smart wearing a suit, so for Trevor's costume I would wear a suit or formal wear.
* He has a flashy watch, big (Breitling brand)
* Sports Company nametag
* IPhone 5S
* Wallet (Louis Vuitton brand)
* Inside Wallet: 4 £50 Notes, Barclays Bank Card, Driver's License
* Car Keys (Mercedes S-Class)
* He has a flashy watch, big (Breitling brand)
* Sports Company nametag
* IPhone 5S
* Wallet (Louis Vuitton brand)
* Inside Wallet: 4 £50 Notes, Barclays Bank Card, Driver's License
* Car Keys (Mercedes S-Class)
writing script / Murder Mystery
Please let me know if any problems writing script, happy to help any of you even as a draft to get you to work with.
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Bet.W ideas
WHAT'S IN HER POCKETS: (starting point)
▪️cocktail stick
▪️x3 £10 & x1 £5
▪️1 pack of Extra strong gum - 1 has been eaten
▪️One wrinkled packet of Extra strong gum in the corner of her pocket
▪️One safety packet of cigs two have been used
After doing the exercise today it made me realise what other day to day objects I have forgotten to put down or even think about eg: Mobile, Keys, Makeup ect
▪️Low cut blouse
▪️Short Skirt
▪️High Heels
After thinking about how she would represent herself I think she is rather slutty but I don't see her in a skirt - I'm not sure what I think should wear but I believe this will come through developing her character, personality and accent.
Maybe she could wear massive earring?
▪️Jewellery is bright and showy
▪️Hair is up
▪️Carrying a glass
▪️Carrying a dirty tea
These are a couple of high heels at home that could suit the character of Bet?

▪️cocktail stick
▪️x3 £10 & x1 £5
▪️1 pack of Extra strong gum - 1 has been eaten
▪️One wrinkled packet of Extra strong gum in the corner of her pocket
▪️One safety packet of cigs two have been used
After doing the exercise today it made me realise what other day to day objects I have forgotten to put down or even think about eg: Mobile, Keys, Makeup ect
▪️Low cut blouse
▪️Short Skirt
▪️High Heels
After thinking about how she would represent herself I think she is rather slutty but I don't see her in a skirt - I'm not sure what I think should wear but I believe this will come through developing her character, personality and accent.
Maybe she could wear massive earring?
▪️Jewellery is bright and showy
▪️Hair is up
▪️Carrying a glass
▪️Carrying a dirty tea
These are a couple of high heels at home that could suit the character of Bet?
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Happy Easter
Hello all, hope you are having a lovely Easter.
Your summer timetable is on blackboard in course materials. On Tuesday, please meet with Lisa in studio 8 at 10am to begin the murder mystery.
Friday, 18 April 2014
'Our Last Dance' Music Video
Hi, I am Shanice from the first year in the Creative Media Practice course and one of my projects is to do a music video for a client. I have got an idea of what i want to do for my music video but i need two actors (one male & one female) to play a couple. I will be doing a beach party for the music video. Here is a rough summary of what it is about: There is a girl waking up in her
bed, when she just realised that her boyfriend is holding her hand
tight beside her bed and she feels really weak. Her boyfriend sees her wake up
and has a sigh of relief on his face but angry at the same time. She asks him
what had happened and why she feels really weak. Then it’s the flashback to the scene to the
beach party. In the middle of the music video, I will show that the girl has
too many to drink and gets out of control. She has an argument with her
boyfriend, telling her that she needs to calm down on drinking but she doesn’t listen
to him and continues to drink a lot more. So he walks away and leaves her to
it. The party still goes on but it gets really late and everybody is ready to
go home but her boyfriend can’t find her. He asks everyone if they seen her but
nobody haven’t seen her in a long a time so he searches for and finds her on
the side of the beach, passed out. He sits her up and warms her up with his
coat and taps her face several times to wake her up. You can the hear police
sirens and flashing police lights. Then it fades to black.
If anyone is interested please let me know as soon as possible as I am planning to film it after the easter holidays. I would also like some help on writing the script so if you interested please let me know
Thank you x
Also Cody, Charlotte and Georgia, who are doing the split personality title sequence, we will have the script for you as soon as we can. :)
Cohen, R., 2011. Working together in theatre. 1st ed. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fisher, R., Ury, W. and Patton, B., 1991. Getting to yes. 1st ed. New York, N.Y.: Penguin Books.
Gardner, L., 2008. The divide in devised theatre. The Guardian. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 Apr. 2014].
Winkler, R., 2002. Keywords and definitions around "collaboration". 1st ed. Unknown: Unknown.
Saturday, 5 April 2014
Murder Mystery script editing
Hey ys, dont know if you have all seen Vanessa's reply to the post about the murder mystery casting etc.
Vanessa wants us to start editng the play and updating her on here with edits over the holidays so how do you want to go about this?
We also need a definate decision on what the 11th character will be out of the ideas we came up with the other day.
I really liked shivvy's idea of having the docter maybe reading a autopsy report throughout the play, relaying it to the inspecter maybe or to the audience?
what were everyone elses thoughts?
Vanessa wants us to start editng the play and updating her on here with edits over the holidays so how do you want to go about this?
We also need a definate decision on what the 11th character will be out of the ideas we came up with the other day.
I really liked shivvy's idea of having the docter maybe reading a autopsy report throughout the play, relaying it to the inspecter maybe or to the audience?
what were everyone elses thoughts?
Friday, 4 April 2014
Beowulf unit 5 | Piktochart Infographic
Beowulf unit 5 | Piktochart Infographic Editor
I'm not sure if this has worked or not. let me know if it hasn't and i will resume to 'panic'.
I'm not sure if this has worked or not. let me know if it hasn't and i will resume to 'panic'.
My infographics
Here are my infographics! I wasn't sure whether to email or upload them here so I done both. I've also added a bibliography again wasn't sure whether it was needed so thought I better do it just in case!.
Twentieth Century Actor Training. Routledge.
Arts council. (2014) Forced Entertainment Ltd. Available
(2011) CLIP # 3 Forced Entertainment - How we work. Available from:
Accessed: 01/04/14.
(2011). How to Add an
Arrow to Images Using Paint. Available from:
Accessed: 04/04/14
Caden Kilby. 2013. The Tot Life: Keeping up with Mommy.
Available from:
Accessed: 04/04/14 (2014). Arrow
icon png. Available from: Arrow
icon png
Accessed: 04/04/14
Forced Entertainment. (2014). Forced Entertainment.
Available from:
Accessed: 01/04/14.
(2012) Forced Entertainment (UK) -The Coming Storm. Available from:
Accessed: 01/04/14
university. (2012). On Collaboration
Symposium. Available from:
Accessed 04/04/14
(2014) Interview mit/with Tim Etchells und/and Tarek Atoui über/about The
latest adventures. Available from:
Accessed: 29/03/14
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Casting meeting
After our discussion and vote this afternoon, the cast list is as follows.
Vanessa posted about the possibility of having bet split between two people, are we still going down this route, because we didnt take that into consideration today when debating castng ideas.
BET - Anna
IDA - Georgia
FRANK - Jordan
MELODY - Charlotte
ROB - Victor
TREVOR - Shivvy
I don't think we had an overall definate final character did we? so I have included all the ideas Cody wrote down today during the discussion.
The ideas for this character were
DOCTOR - Diognosis on cause of death, autopsy report could be read out throughout the action?
BUTLER - Reading blue writing, can interact with audience in the interval? comment on the action, make suggestions or comments?
MELODY SIDEKICK - Personal asssitant, assist with phone calls?
STOOGE - outside of the world of the play, 'invisible' character, maybe trying to influence decisions or generate debate amongst audience? helping the audience to shape an idea of who the murderer is.
ANOTHER SUSPECT - we could create another member of the band, or maybe the child of another character? Bet's husband? run the bar together?
VICTIM - the victim of murder
If anyone else has any other ideas then post them up!
How are we going about editing the script? Are you doing this Vanessa or is it something you want us to do over easter?
Vanessa posted about the possibility of having bet split between two people, are we still going down this route, because we didnt take that into consideration today when debating castng ideas.
BET - Anna
IDA - Georgia
FRANK - Jordan
MELODY - Charlotte
ROB - Victor
TREVOR - Shivvy
I don't think we had an overall definate final character did we? so I have included all the ideas Cody wrote down today during the discussion.
The ideas for this character were
DOCTOR - Diognosis on cause of death, autopsy report could be read out throughout the action?
BUTLER - Reading blue writing, can interact with audience in the interval? comment on the action, make suggestions or comments?
MELODY SIDEKICK - Personal asssitant, assist with phone calls?
STOOGE - outside of the world of the play, 'invisible' character, maybe trying to influence decisions or generate debate amongst audience? helping the audience to shape an idea of who the murderer is.
ANOTHER SUSPECT - we could create another member of the band, or maybe the child of another character? Bet's husband? run the bar together?
VICTIM - the victim of murder
If anyone else has any other ideas then post them up!
How are we going about editing the script? Are you doing this Vanessa or is it something you want us to do over easter?
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Some notes to help you analyse collaboration. First, terms that are relevant which you can focus on and find out about.
What might shape a collaborative e model?
Words for concepts linked to collaboration
Communities of practice
Company identity
Non matrixed performanceOrthodoxy
Core funding
Participatory equality
Ownership of material
Project based funding
collective creative thinking
| partnership vs collaboration vs teamwork vs cooperation |
What might shape a collaborative e model?
Infographics/ more examples
Have a look at this: What do you think? Does the image help analyse the topic? Does it refer to research? Is it useful?
and another
Example of infographic
A poster i made for you to suggest relevant reading and to test glogster. It embeds live links to the books please go to this link: glogster poster
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Infographics Project
Hello, this is my final info graphics poster. Im not highly sure if it right but I am more than happy to rework it when I get back if there is any problems or to improve it. I shall email you a copy Vanessa so you have a better image of it, but I thought I would put it up on here as I think you mentioned it would be better if it was uploaded on the blog, but I shall do both.
Thinking about collaboration
This is a wordle image of our blog. what can you evaluate about the blog as a collaborative tool from the image? it works out frequency of words and turns them into an image.
also, check this site out with great tools for infographics
Hello all, please email or post on blog your draft of infographics for feedback as i'm not seeing you tomorrow. whatever form they are in, i can feedback before your tutorials with Ria and Ryan.
PS who wants to be the victim ???
Murder mystery
Daniel Conor and Tiffany in the third year do lots of murder mysteries in Belfast. We just had a great chat about it and they will come talk to us after Easter. Please respond re casting so we can crack on writing script / learning lines.
Ok just had another long chat and did some research. here is my idea.
I think we should have one of you playing the victim. start with some interactions to set up that a murder is going to happen so we set up suspicion.Then we can have flashbacks to what they said happened with the victim. That would create more suspense and also some empathy for the victim. What do you think? Any takers?
Ok just had another long chat and did some research. here is my idea.
I think we should have one of you playing the victim. start with some interactions to set up that a murder is going to happen so we set up suspicion.Then we can have flashbacks to what they said happened with the victim. That would create more suspense and also some empathy for the victim. What do you think? Any takers?
Tutorial Times.
Me again,
As requested, your list of times for Thursday tutorials.
10:00 - Dan
10:30 - Victor
11:00 - Charlotte
11:20 - Cody
11:40 - Shivvy
10:00 - Ami
10:20 - Georgia
10:40 - Jack
11:00 - Melissa
11:20 - Jordan
We will be in da library.
Please bring work that you want to work on…. Research, Drafts, info graphics etc etc etc etc ETC!
See you all then!
As requested, your list of times for Thursday tutorials.
10:00 - Dan
10:30 - Victor
11:00 - Charlotte
11:20 - Cody
11:40 - Shivvy
10:00 - Ami
10:20 - Georgia
10:40 - Jack
11:00 - Melissa
11:20 - Jordan
We will be in da library.
Please bring work that you want to work on…. Research, Drafts, info graphics etc etc etc etc ETC!
See you all then!
Tutorials with Ria and Ryan
Hope you all had a lovely weekend and good start to the week!
Ryan and I are available for tutorials on Thursday.
So if you send me an email, we can arrange a time. Or alternatively if it is easier and you all want a tutorial I can put a list up on here of times for you.
Mail me ups!
Radio Ideas
Georgia and I had a few thoughts about the radio show.
We were thinking along the lines of comedy and came up with a list of things we could explore that would work for the medium of radio.
We also liked the idea of 'inuendo bingo' but obv, for that to even work it relies on film footage or a webcam link etc. We thought it would be best to stick to ideas that can stand alone without the need for any medium other than radio.
here are some of the ideas we brainstormed.
*comedy sketch* - silent movie type music,
*never mind the buzzcocks style quiz* - we could get people to try and guess the rest of the song from the intro etc
*word games* - wonky donkey (if anyone remembers that!!!
*impractical jokers style* - fonejacker type things.
we also brainstormed some ideas about storytelling for children maybe disney singalong etc
We were thinking along the lines of comedy and came up with a list of things we could explore that would work for the medium of radio.
We also liked the idea of 'inuendo bingo' but obv, for that to even work it relies on film footage or a webcam link etc. We thought it would be best to stick to ideas that can stand alone without the need for any medium other than radio.
here are some of the ideas we brainstormed.
*comedy sketch* - silent movie type music,
*never mind the buzzcocks style quiz* - we could get people to try and guess the rest of the song from the intro etc
*word games* - wonky donkey (if anyone remembers that!!!
*impractical jokers style* - fonejacker type things.
we also brainstormed some ideas about storytelling for children maybe disney singalong etc
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