Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Important end of year announcement!

Hello all,

Please will you ensure that  you have done the following:

1- completed the HE survey on blackboard - see Vanessa or I or a member of your group for help if you need to. Currently only 55% of you have done this!

2 - Please e mail Vanessa or I with a sentence or word for each member of your group, this needs to describe something positive about their work or their progress and achievements over the year - not about their personality! its about the work, people!
We will use this to create little pages of comments for each of you which we will give out at the picnic .

3 - if you haven't already followed the course twitter, please do so! @NbcolFACT....also please like our Facebook page, FdA Acting & Contemporary Theatre Making.

4 - are there positive comments about the course that you would be happy to e mail us for us to use in course publicity? Please do so, we will keep the comments anonymous of course.

5 - if there is a tutor or learning support worker or technician who has made a difference to your time here this year, have a look at the posters for the awards which you can vote for - they are all around college.


Monday, 9 June 2014

Tutorials with lisa and vanessa


10.00 Ami
10.15 Jack
10.30 Charlotte
10.45 Cody
11.00 Melissa
11.15 Victor
11.15 Anna
11.30 Shivam
11.45 Georgia
12.00 Dan
12.15 Jordan


Tutorials with Ryan Today.


Message from Ryan,

Today's tutorials will be in the Library - in 209,  Ryan will meet you there! If you don't know where the room is, then just meet him at the Library Desk Innit'!

Have fun!

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Workshops next week

Hello all,

Next week's workshops with second years are

Tuesday Theatre making workshop with Hannah Rowlands

Wednesday Clowning with Sarah and picknick in the afternoon. Bring food ( i will bring cake) and hope for sunshine!

Tutorials will take place on Tuesday. If you owe any work, please make sure you book tutorial with Ryan on the Monday.


Friday, 6 June 2014

Tutorials with Ryan


Message from Ryan, tutorials on Monday:

10:00 Georgia
10:30 Dan
11:00 Victor

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!!!
Ria ✌

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Opportunities at the CFT

Right, so I'm going to go the Acting Under Pressure thing at CFT on 7th-8th.
But I also noticed that they are still offering tickets for £8.50 for 16-25 year olds,
But there is also 16-25 Live nights, where you can go backstage before the show and noisy around.

Live Nights - http://cft.org.uk/16-25-live-nights
16-25 Tickets - http://cft.org.uk/850

Wednesday June 4th

Hi first years,

First of all VERY WELL DONE for your assessments today, you can be rightly proud of the products you created and performed as well as the contributions to the feedback sessions.

Tomorrow: Please meet us in studio 6 at 1100 for a brief review of the learning you have experienced across the year - take a little time to recall or make notes on each unit, and think about the preparation sessions you have done with Ria.


L & V

Monday, 2 June 2014

Assessments for Body & Breath tomorrow

Please be in the studio, in blacks, warming up from 0930.
You will all be required to attend each others’ assessments, and contribute to constructive feedback  - this which be chaired by a panel made up of Lisa & Vanessa.

Assessments for voice will consist of your performed pieces PLUS your contributions to the feedback sessions.

1000 – Victor

1015 – Jack

1030 – Daniel

1045 – Cody

1100 – Charlotte

1115 – Jordan

1130 – Shivvy

1145 – Ami

1200 – Lissie

1215 – Georgia

1230 – Anna

Your physical pieces will be assessed in the afternoon – please ensure that you are in the studio, fed, watered, and appropriately warmed up in time to start at 1345. Please ensure that you have run a soundcheck for levels if you are using a soundtrack, and that you have arranged for a group member to operate your sound for you.

1345 – Cody & Lissie

1400 – Jordan

1415 – Charlotte & Anna

1430 – Victor

1445 – Jack

1500 – Dan

1515 – Ami

1530 – Georgia

1545 – Shivvy