Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Marilyn Monroe ideas/fitting in with the show

I was thinking that it doesn't make any sense for me to come on just to sing happy birthday and say my age line if there is no link between Charlotte and I. 

  • Maybe in Cody's scene I'm in the middle of the line and I go along with the group until I die at 36 where as the others keep going to reach Cody because they are getting older. When everyone disappears Charlotte and I could have a convocation which would be based on quotes that marilyn has said just before ami comes on and says her line. 
  • Maybe Marilyn is a star and charlotte inspires to be like her?
  • Or maybe Charlotte questions why she died? And if she did live her life how she wanted to? And should it be someone that she should look up to as a role model? 
  • Or Marilyn could be charlottes guide/a thought process so the quotes that Marylin has said pops in and out and Charlotte understands and makes her own judgement on these and even questions them maybe, just a thought.
Even if this idea doesn't work I think there needs to be some link between Charlotte and I or else it doesn't make sense. If you have any ideas please leave them below!

I've found some quotes about starts to link in with the beginning of the show and also found one about shoes!!!

basement tonight

if you're in brighton, you can go see this for free tonight if you say you are expecting company pass


I’m Josh Evershed from the 3rd year Creative Media department, currently working on my FMP

I only need one day of filming with an actress, who is about 18 - 30, preferably long hair, any colour
The only main requirement is I need an actress who smokes or who can smoke on camera, it is quite pivotal for the character in the piece
It will all be shot in Stanmer Park on which ever day is convenient for them, I will cover travel there and back

I have prepared a concept video to illustrate what ideas, themes, composition and sound will be used in the final piece, for anyone interested:

If you could help me find someone or know anyone who knows anyone I’d greatly appreciate it

Charlotte's Final Film

Charlotte's Final Film is now up and running on the youtube page.

Also this is an anti ageing eye cream that soothes out puffiness, lines and the bags under your eyes to make you look less tired and also makes you look younger and healthier. Incredible results!

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Wednesday rehearsal

Hello all,
please be in for 10 tomorrow morning.
Dan Ford will work with you, particularly the jack and cody piece, victor's piece and puppetry.

I am on BA assessments until 12 and at 12 i'm meeting production in the production room.
I will ask them to come and watch a run straight away so please be prepared for that.

Please send me the puppets film and the recording you did today ami.

Jack, please work a little more on the solo piece. Maybe describe why you talked to her, where, how it was etc. was it a special occasion? was your listening different?

Jordan, please look at new script, can print one out for you first thing. Main job is the design sheets. Dan suggested which might be fun, that you alone hold up all the sheets and struggle with it. But please get all the copies, card etc done.

Victor, the stand up needs to be clean and more mainstream i think. Please rethink it. We can decide which song to use when we get the bolder voices video. But also, think what else the guitar can accompany cos it does sound lovely. Dan will work with you a little on the movement piece too.

Cody, please work with jack and also on your individual piece some lovely moments coming through but it's our newest. what do you dress dummy in?

Ami, i'm not sure singing over les vieux will work we haven't practised it enough. Maybe look at Jeanette's lyrics and see what needs editing if we don't use bolder voices. You also really need to work on characterisation for the remembering bits.

Charlotte, please work on the prop for the old are coming as you described it. Some strong characterisation so keep going with that and if possible do the small recording with jeanette is she is around.

Shivvy, please think about lip-syncing bit and practise until it is perfect. i will send you recording via email now.

Dan, please sort out the bucket and what you do in the beginning. this needs to be sorted by the run. The monologue needs work on diction, and pacing too.

Anna, please work on seeing how the costume and wig work. Your marilyn impersonation bits and see how you might self light if possible  (i have cool torches)

Monday, 27 April 2015

Bolder voices

Ideas and suggestions please. Not sure where it goes. ending? somewhere in the middle after jeanette?

Dear Vanessa

Because was so keen to finally confirm it with my team I suddenly realised I hadn't finally confirmed it with you. Yes we will definitely do a jazzy "Happy Birthday Dear Charlotte"

and some of "Love that Freedom Pass" as well - perhaps not the whole thing - and I'll get Rosie our video artist to send it to you.

Why don't we speak tomorrow about this. My rehearsal with the group is Wednesday morning. I am at home tomorrow until about 3pm
so do ring me and we can talk through how to make our jazzy happy birthday extra personal.

Looking forward to it - if you aren't able to speak that you still do want us to do it?

Clair Chapwell
music, drama and facilitation for people age 65+

Pictures for the book

Hey guys if we are adding old photos to to the book and then I would really like these 3 images and would love them to be part of Charlottes book, these 3 are the most important pictures of my life, 

Charlotte's Final Video

The video is now up and running on the Youtube page, please let me know if you would like any adjustments, thanks. 

Saturday, 25 April 2015

The guide to life book

Hi guys I have taken the guide to life book home with me and will obviously bring it back on Monday. The reason I brought it home was because me and Ami thought it might be nice to have some pages of collages of old black and white photos?. We thought it might look quite nice. I don't know what you guys think but if you like the idea I can start it for us as I have a few old pictures.

Friday, 24 April 2015

Thanks 😀

Thanks for your understanding about my leaving earlier than I had planned today guys, it's much appreciated! Make the stars scene something magical! Good luck with it, have a good weekend, see you Monday 😀 George

Thursday, 23 April 2015


Please please make sure you confirm your participation in this brilliant show i don't want you to miss out. see previous posts for who you have to email with your details and rehearsal availability

Rehearsal thursday 23rd April tasks

Hello all, tasks for tomorrow.

1. Recording; smaller girl with charlotte recording
2. Victor solo
3. Victor & Ami song
4. Victor stand up
5. Shivvi add 2/3 lines to your solo piece
6. Jordan & Cody design
7. Jordan script and learn lines
8. Jack work on monologue
9. Cody learn lines, record mum about grandad. Think about what to do in Diana scene.
10. Ami FLYERS
11. All talk to production and get videos and sounds together for them.

Vanessa to ask sarah to record:

Parents for puppet scene.
Older lady for marilyn scene and the city. anything else?

You should aim to complete a run and film it to watch and critique over weekend. Nearly there but only nearly.

Sound & Video


1. music les vieux
2. stars recording
3. little girl & charlotte conversation
4. Old people song
5. puppet voices
6. i like old people song
7. bingo track the price is right eurofquestra
8. Les vieux (p 6)
9. Numbers are boring recording
10. Chapel music
11. Hannah recording
12. Cody Grandad recording
13. Marilyn old recording
14. Les vieux.


1. Stars projection
2. Grand gestures
3. Selfies
4. Mike old
5. Dorris city
6. Charlotte growing video
7. last words grandparent's video

Charlotte's video

Yayyyyy I have finally uploaded the video of charlotte's photos and her interview with her nephew. I have combined almost two videos in one just to save time and to see what you like and prefer. Which way do you prefer the writing and questions? There seems to be a vibrating sound of the sound of charlotte's voice on youtube but when editing it was fine, if we used it I can easily bring down the sound. Do you like the music behind it - I was only experimenting. Please have a look and let me know what you think!!!! I can't wait to see what the shows like! 

It's on our youtube page but here is a link. Please give me some feedback! 

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Advice I stupidly didn't record!

Hey guys so as you no we recorded some conversations with some people of the 'older generation' this afternoon. There was one group of 3 I think they said they were over 60 year olds that I didn't record or film unfortunetly and stupidly but they came out with the best and nicest advice so thought I would write it on here for you lot. (The last one is my favourite piece of advice!)-

You're only young once enjoy it why you can

Appearance is everything for the younger generation

Our grandchild has tatoos the presentation of our grandchildren looking at him you would thinks he's a bad person but he's lovely really it's just his appearance (they didn't seem to like earings or tattoos)

Treat people how you wish to be treated

We're invisible to the younger generation

The younger generation they often don't notice us but they seem to in our family respect us

Be honest to yourself

Think before you speak

If you grow up half as good as our grandchildren then good luck to you

Enjoy life while you can. Make the most of it while you're young

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

the stand up comedy section

Just some videos that might help V man come up with some stand up material based around old people and hope they help.


clarity just hit me. Please look at these notes for tomorrow.

films - please log in and see charlotte's film of her grandad. if ok to use, we could play little films like that asking that question at the end while charlottes are dancing

interviews - if you interview anyone, ask them to read some of script, and what advice they would give, and the best thing about their age. if they agree to be videod then do that.
jordan - i think the link overall is that you are trying to find out why old are invisible. but the realisation is that you discover that we are wrong about time. (re the diagrams you draw about grandmother. that leads into you  maybe not cody, saying the city script. So the whole thing is that the old are invisible because we are wrong about time. you've solved it!

lipsyncing - iv;e sent some files which could work. do try  them. i will also ask the person that wrote the verbatim bit to record it for us and cody you could lip-sync that?

song for victor - the song is called i like old people michael einstein

the bingo song is the price is right by euforquestra.

i have made bingo cards for marilyn to use. i will print tomorrow.

VIctor, could you write the song you made at first but with jeanette? see what she says and also what of it she would sing.

AMI- nicky from basement said flyers super. can you liaise with the copy gentleman to to print them for us?

Please ask donna for the book; we need to dress it and start writing in.

Later tonight i will adjust script so we can give jeanette a new one that clearly indicates which lines she speaks. see you all tomorrow.

Monday, 20 April 2015


Hello all, looking at tshirts. doesn't red look a little too corporate like we're from a phone company? would black not be better?

The rest of the pictures lol

Non-Newtonian Fluid for the stars

Charlotte wait until you're...

Charlotte just wait until your 80, you'll be just like Mary Berry baking cakes, eating scones and drinking tea in China teacups. 

Charlotte just wait until your 80, you'll be just as old as Mary Berry baking Victoria sponges and drinking tea. 

Oh Charlotte just wait until your 46, you'll be just as hot as Jennifer Aniston and won't look a day older! 

Charlotte I bet you can't wait to be 44 and sing wicked on the west end stage just like Idina Menzel. 

Charlotte when your 53 you'll just be as funny as you were when you were a kid just like Jim Carrey. 

Charlotte when your:

16 you can order your own passport - so you don't need any of your parents help. 

22 you decide that summer is the best time of the year - so you book your holiday in December. 

24 you can splash out on a pair on Louboutin shoes and not feel guilty!

27 girls nights out are so fun! Yay more cocktails please! 

28 you honestly believe takeaways are the best thing that has been invented and you can eat as much as you like because you have a high metabolism. 

31 you'll feel madly in love and believe your living a fairytale. 

33 you can go out and experiment designing your home decor. Bright and bold or white and pastels? 

39 you realise that you'd rather stay in than going out. 

43 you feel that sports bras are so comfy - why didn't I wear this before?

46 you can pick out your favourite foods when food shopping so when you come back home to your family and they don't like what you've brought you can say "well none of you came with me so I had to choose" and not feel guilty. 

48 your husband will bring your breakfast in bed. 

52 you don't care if you go through a whole bottle of wine. 

57 you can't wait for Mother's Day because you love to see the wiggly drawings that your children or grandchildren have drawn in your card. 

59 all you'll have for breakfast is muesli and porridge with fruit and honey. 

60 you now see why everyone wears slippers - there so soft and comfy you can't take them off! 

64 The Lion King will still make you cry. 

67 yoga is always fun to go to as you get to look at the hot guy instructor. 

70 you'll be making the dinner while singing along to tunes on your 'cool, hip' iPod. 

71 snacks aren't a problem. 

73 the more cats you have, the funnier you seem to get. 

75 you can try and take up a new hobbie while still trying to work out how technology works. 

77 your husband will bring home flowers, kiss you goodnight and dance with you under the stars because he wants you to know you are his. 

78 you'll hope that your grandchild is named after you. 

79 you start to appreciate the change in seasons. 

81 you can knit your grandchildren wolly jumpers. 

84 is when you're most like to take photos of your family and put them up around your house. 

86 lighting a match seems to get harder. 

89 you can celebrate your one year off of becoming 90 which is 10 years of 100 which means load of candles on your cake. 

91 you'll have loads of hand creams dotted around the house. 

93 means you can rest your feet up all day watching the tv while going through your M&S biscuit tin. 

95 you can now sit in the shower rather than stand. 

100 now your suddenly in to whisky with ice but sometimes you get brain freezes. 

100 you celebrate you're now a three digit number. 

105 you'll have a stash off salted peanuts and polos. 

106 you can see your great great grand children. 

108 you find listening to the radio bores you. 

112 you find it amusing how the younger generation walk. 

Friday, 17 April 2015



Wiglaf, Birthday girl and all. Please look for costume ideas.
I think we need a bingo thing, look here and amazon please Jordan or somewhere special or a gold glitter jacket?

Charlotte amazon has lots of marilyn costumes, please have a look so we can ask donna to order.

Also, if we were to print some t-shirts for you all, what would they have on them?

Special offer from Worthing Theatres

Connaught Studio, Worthing
Wednesday 29 April 8pm
EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR ALL STUDENTS - £8.50 (usually £14.50)

Have you heard about our latest play? A Strange Wild Song is coming to Worthing for one night only, sharing the tale of an American soldier that three children found in Northern France during the Second World War. It is not until decades later than his camera is found and his grandson tries to unearth the mystery surrounding the photographs it contains. 

There is just over a week to go until A Strange Wild Song explodes onto our stage with its award-winning score and absurdist humour on Wednesday 29 April, but you still have time to book tickets and we have an exclusive student rate to offer you of just £8.50 per ticket (usually £14.50). To book, click here or call 01903 206 206 and quote STUDENT OFFER.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, 16 April 2015

My Grandad's advice on me turning 20

I uploaded my Grandad's 'advice' videos to the YouTube channel as I couldn't work out how to do it on here. They are uploaded privately as they are not the best but quite funny bless him he got a bit confused and worried about the camera so every time I stopped filming he said some great things which obviously I didn't catch I swear its always the way. Anyway they are up just thought I would let you lot know so you can see them (particularly Vanessa as you asked me about them today).

This is the link to the channel:

Also thought I would give you lot the info to log in to the YouTube account in case anyone has any videos they want to upload.

Username: You6tubeUNIWork

Password: Acting12

Rehearsal 16th April

Things to do

  1. remake bingo video  (Vanessa&Jordan)
  2. get bingo costume (Jordan)
  3. find whiteboard equivalent (Jordan)
  4. place solos in between scenes (Vanessa)
  5. write song (Victor)
  6. write comedy (Victor)
  7. projection of selfies (Charlotte)
  8. record scene when you're 40….. for puppets & Old Marilyn Monroe quote (???)
  9. find jeanette and rehearse with her  ( Vanessa & Charlotte)
  10. find older dancers (All)
  11. marilyn costume & shoes ( Charlotte & Cody)
  12. contact dee for live music (Ami)
  13. Write 3 more things your nan used to say AMI
  14. get music list (Vanessa & George)
  15. confirm permission to use grand gestures video (Vanessa)
  16. see where we project films in the basement (Jack & Shivvy)
  17. Plan for fringe city (ALL)
  18. FLYERS (Ami)
  19. Find what miss we can have for the show (Jack)

Scenes to work on

The city
The puppets with recording
The puppets dancing
Verbatim scene

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Fringe City Hurrah!

Hi Vanessa,
Thank you for your application to take part in Fringe City.
We have programmed your performance to take place on the 3rd  May at 1pm – 5pm on the walkabout in Fringe City, New Road, Brighton BN1. Please get back to us to confirm, and remember that on the walkabout no sound system is allowed, in order not to interfere with other performances going on.
Once you are there, please come to the Unitarian stage to let us know that you’re going to start performing.  In any case, since the space on New Road will be very limited, please make sure not to bring large or fixed props (unless agreed with us before) and to let crowd flow smoothly during the performance.
We will be back in touch before May to organise all the finer details for the day. We’re very excited to have you on board and look forward to working with you soon!!
Thanks ever so much,

Giulia Guerzoni | Office Intern | Brighton Fringe 01273 764900 | 5 Palace Place, Brighton BN1 1EF
Brighton Fringe 2015 dates: 1 May – 31 May

OMG! Never would have thought this!

"Charlotte! My grandmother..."

I visited my grandmother in her care home with my ex girlfriend one weekend, it was the first time she was going to meet her. As I walked into the room, and did the obligatory greeting and gave her a kiss on the cheek, she said,

"George dear, what are you going to do about your face?"

I was stunned. I laughed nervously and said,

"Sorry Grandma?"

"Well," she said, blunt as you like, "people do have to look at you dear!"

I have since concluded that she was referring to my beard. 

Charming. My ex found it hilarious needless to say!

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Other opportunities at brighton festival

Other opportunities
The Company of Wolves 
Company: Burn the Curtain 
Show Dates: Thursday 7th – Saturday 9th May 
Location: Stamner Park 
Participation: Are looking for a 1 stage manager assistant 16 years + for Burn the Curtain's spine-tingling outdoor experience based on Angela Carter’s macabre imagination. 
There will be lifting/shifting/guarding etc so must be physically capable. 
Rehearsals: Afternoons and evening (times TBC) Tues 5th – Thurs 7th May 
Date of Performances: 6pm – 11pm 7th – 9th May. 
***Please note that all the performances listed take place at outdoors and at night which can be physically demanding*** 

To sign up please email me your name, mobile telephone number, confirmation you are over 16 years old (or 18yrs + for 451) and outline if you have any special needs we should know about. Natasha Padbury: or call: 07966 880 290 

Company: And Now 
Show Date: Evening of Sunday 24th May 2015 
Location: The Beach Between the Piers 
Participation: A large number of volunteer performers to take part in large scale fire installation with choreographed performed punctuations taking place on the beach near the West Pier. Ideally the volunteers would have some dance, movement, performance experience but this is not essential. 
• 2-6pm at Brighton Youth Centre Sun 17th May 
• 2.30-9pm Saturday 23rd May on the beach rehearsals (dinner break approx 6-7pm. Tea and Coffee provided but bring own meal please) 
• 2.30-11.30pm Sunday 24th May afternoon rehearsals then the “show’ in the evening on the beach (Dinner break approx 6-7pm. Tea and Coffee provided but bring own meal please) 
Date of Performance: Evening of 24th May 
Volunteer participants 

Periplum opportunity

Hello all, none of you have confirmed you want to be part of the Periplum show.
Here are the details; it is in Brighton and it will not cover your expenses. Late finishes but it looks to be a brilliant show like previous periplum shows.
I need to confirm with claire as other people very keen to do it.

Show on tour at the moment so you can look it up.

Please look at details below and let me know if you want to confirm your participation so i can send off your details.

Company: Periplum 
Show Dates: Saturday 16th May 2015 
Preston Barracks, Lewes Road, Brighton 
Participation: Local volunteer performers and assistants to help assist the pyrotechnicians during the performance of Ray Bradbury's visionary novel Fahrenheit 451  18 years old and above. 
Friday 15th May 
5.30pm -Volunteers arrive on site 
10pm - Tech dress rehearsal 
11.15pm - Vols leave site 
Date of Performance: 
Saturday 16th May 
5pm -Vols arrive on site 
10pm-10:45 Show 

11.15pm Vols leave site 

Turning 20/worries

I have tried to write a bit about my worries about turning 20. I don't know if this is what you wanted Vanessa but I can always change it if its not.

Turning 20-

I have never really thought about turning 20 before. I’ve put it off as long as possible if I’m honest. I suppose I have only put it off because being 20 means to me that I am no longer the child I once was? Not that I’m considered as one now at 19 even though I like to think that I am. There are so many things I am worried about turning 20 such as time which is a scary thing to think about anyway as it goes so quickly but I also think it’s the step of no longer being able to get away with being a child or a wannabe Disney princess. Even though I will always find a way to being one and I’m not changing that regardless of what age I am be that 20 or 70. I always thought as a younger me (younger me being the age when you think its ‘cool’ to be older) that will be cool 2.I’ll be older 3.independent and to do whatever I want which isn’t the case. Yes you have these ‘luxuries’ but it’s not as easy as that. I think aging is one of them things where you no it’s going to happen to you but you live in denial about it, you think it will take a long time coming or in some cases it won’t even happen to you at all like you are the one exception to it like a real life Peter Pan which is never the case unfortunately. As I've grown up I have put off thinking about aging. Being a 20 year old is weird to me somehow like any older age is I just can’t imagine it. This whole aging thing has snuck up on me completely. I see being 20 as you are now an adult. I'm always going to be a child/wannabe Disney princess though and no one can change that I don’t care what age I am. 20 is just a number at the end of the day (how cliché) and just like turning any other age will be fine I’m sure. It’s just weird because the more I think about it the more I have realized 20 is the one age that I have been dreading and I genuinely think this is because of this responsible ‘adult’ name that looms over it. Everyone talks about it like you will be this adult and you must live up to it and that is some scary shoes to fill.


Hello all, a video for our show. possibly.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

The future

Hello all,

please make sure that you are on the Facebook alumni page. i'm putting more opportunities there for your future including more volunteering opportunities for the fringe that you might be interested in.
it's northbrook alumni, and if you're not on it already, just ask to be on a Facebook request and i will add you.

Also, please add any short bits of script that we have used for the show on the google docs document. We need the little paragraphs about grandparents advice for the solo movement pieces. Also, please do go on it and edit/rewrite any of your work to make it stronger. Dan, the script you were mentioning to me on your last rehearsal day is not there and needs to be too.


Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Conversations with my Grandad/30 steps to turning 20

Hello everyone so this is some stuff I have done for the Fringe so far this holiday. I have written down some random conversations I have had with my Grandad as I thought this would be easier as I don't think he really likes the idea of being recorded or filmed so I wrote them down instead. I do warn they are random and nothing to do with aging particularly just random things he has said to me. I recorded my nephew also talking about ageing but they wont upload to the blog for some reason so I will email them to Vanessa instead. I also found three pictures on twitter of someone explaining their idea of what they learnt turning 20 in 30 steps which I thought was really interesting. I don’t know how relevant they are or if they have any truth to them or even if anyone can relate? but on twitter people seemed to like it so I might quote it in a tweet on our show twitter page as well as posting it on here for us to see.

Grandad conversations-


*In a restaurant*

Dad: We should really leave the waitress a tip shouldn’t we

Grandad: Yea I’ll do it! *We were all shocked as he doesn’t say that often* My tip is always ALWAYS look both ways before you cross the road

This is one of my favourite pieces of advice he has ever given honestly made me chuckle so much

How old are you conversation- This conversation about how old we are happens no joke EVERY time I see my Grandad bless him he’s adorable!

Grandad: How old are you then?

Me: 19

Grandad: 19?? *like shocked*.....How old are you then Willie (This is my little not so little brother by the way)

Willie: 16 *I start singing 16 going on 17 from the sound of music of course*

Grandad: 16 going on 17? god *thinks about it* you are 19 aren’t you Willie??

Me: No I’m 19!! William is 16 going on 17

Next conversation we had-

*Me singing along to Wicked*

Grandad: Has she (meaning me) had singing lessons??

Dad: Yea (I haven’t can I just add it’s just easier to say yes sometimes)

Me: I don’t need singing lessons *joking*

Grandad: Oh right ok.....Shut up *I start singing louder* what is this? I wish she'd shut up...she sounds like a cats being strangled (This isn't about me by the way it’s the person singing on the CD)

Me: Well why don't we turn it up louder then (I was joking) *silence* she’s on Broadway in Newyork Grandad how can you say she isn’t good she’s one of the best on Broadway and one of my favourites

Grandad: On Broadway??? Well you could have fooled me Christ......Charlotte will be 20 this year wont she? (to my mum) god that’s crazy 20...20 years old *thinks about it for a bit*....she’s really blossoming now isn’t she?

Me: Blossuming what do you mean blossoming??

Grandad: Yea well really like coming out of yourself you know it’s really good and you cope well *gestures to his arm meaning I cope well with my Diabetes* *smiles to himself*

Completely different conversation but it made me laugh. This is on Easter day as well may I add.

Grandad: What shall I give all you lot for Easter then?....Right some money how much?....What about 3 pounds yea I’ll give you 3 pounds each

This made me laugh as obviously bless him he thinks that 3 pounds is a big amount of money to give now a day’s whereas it isn’t really. It’s cute though and I am obviously very thankful for it bless him.

I’ll write down more conversations I have with him and I’m going to start asking him more questions as from these conversations I am really interested in what he thinks is good music as he obviously doesn’t like my choice of listening to Kristina Chenoweth from Wicked!.

30 steps of what someone learnt turning 20-

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Back to Uni?

Hey guys I was just wondering when do we do go back to Uni? Is It the 13th of April? Let me know ASAP thanks 


I wanted to write something about Charlotte and I thought maybe this could be performed either by standing on stage while Charlotte is miming something or maybe it could be said as a duo-log (if there was another piece of writing about her but maybe from one of her family members?) or even as a voiceover. Please have a read and let me know what you think about it.


This is Charlotte and she is my best friend. We love to laugh about stupid, silly, little things and we always look ridiculous when laughing. We both find it humorous as we think we look like seals when laughing as we flap our arms around and sometimes clap in between while howling in fits of laughter – and that’s when you know we cant stop because we can laugh about something for ages and not get tired of it. Sometimes when we are having a convocation one of us sparks up a time when we did something bizarre and that keep us entertained for the rest of the day, or week, or month or the whole year. Charlotte is one of those people that no matter what you may be feeling she will always make you smile by singing a Disney melody or doing impressions from a movie or even mimicking what you are doing, which never fails to put a smile on my face.

I don’t think I will ever forget the times Charlotte says on a numerous occasions of how she thinks things work and how she explains it in such a fun, imaginative way which makes us all think “why is it not done that way?”. While she does this there is something all of our class have noticed she does, the ‘Charlotte arms’. A movement of the arms: she brings her hand to her shoulder and is one slick quick movement her arm is extended with the palms of her hand facing upwards. She is a fun, bubbly girl with loads of energy and there’s not one thing I would change about her. Of course we talk about girly things as well, but we cant tell you that sssshhhh but we love to reminisce about or game of Snapchat hide and seek, still laugh at “I didn’t even twist my Oreo!” and recreate animal Vines. Personally I believe Charlotte can do the best animal impressions like the monkey, turtle, lizard, the funny white fluffy fox (which to us looks like Yoda) as well as the lama but the best impression she does is the meerkat as it never fails to crack us up! Because we do drama together I think in everything we do is over exaggerated so we sing “I will always love you” but change it to “I will always love food” but with a twist of trying and I mean trying to sing it in a deep mans voice, its pretty funny. She’s a lover of songs from all different genres and years but she has a thing for musicals especially Wicked and together we don’t just sing – we perform all the songs like we are standing up on stage in fount of hundreds of people with all the moves and facial expressions with a huge round of applause at the end.

Charlotte and I call ourselves ‘Homepeas’ – don’t ask why it’s just our thing – but we always say it to greet each other and my day wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t talk from the moment we both woke up to the moment we Snapchat saying “goodnight”. Charlotte and I have a bond that I don’t think anyone will fully understand, we talk, sing, giggle, eat, walk funny together and we don’t care if anyone looks at us weirdly now when we sing at inappropriate times or dance oddly around UNI. I think it’s a good thing to feel that with someone who shares the same feeling because you can be crazily mad with that person to become a pair of extraordinary, curious, fantastic, bubbly beings.

Urban Dictionary: Charlotte;
A girl who is known for being beautiful both inside and out. Usually on the shy side, they can come off as boring. However, once a Charlotte opens up, she is charming, kind, intelligent and funny. Usually have great smiles. The girl that all the guys are secretly in love with. Said to be very good in bed. Charlottes are fun-loving and enjoy being around people. Loves to party but is very chill, most Charlottes are not wild and crazy. They have a good sense of the world around them and love their family and friends. Anybody would be lucky to have a Charlotte in their life.
Guy 1: Yo, man, that girl is a Charlotte. 
Guy 2: Damn, your right, I wish she would notice me.