Right so my summer has been consisting of being really bloody lazy. I'm on Youtube everyday, watching videos and I came across this.
Pewdiepie Part 1 Video (watch this one first)
Pewdiepie Part 2 Video
These videos are from the famous Youtube gamer 'Pewdiepie.' he went solo into theatre experience in the catacombs. You have to watch it, because there is brilliant tools they use to make the performance more terrifying. such as...
- A one person audience. Okay, yes if we did a show like this, with a one person audience it would be flipping exhausting. but Its so worth it when that person is singled out. makes it more terrifying.
- The use of flash camera. This is such a brilliant idea, its in the part 1 video, he uses the flash as a light source, but because the flash is so quick, somehow it keeps the outline of what you saw, in the back of your eye, you'll understand when you see it.
- Its a challenge - The audience have to actually do something, so in this video, Pewdiepie had to find 3 keys to get out. very simple objective, and not difficult to find, but it means that the audience have to think.
- The actors speek a different launguage, so it would be interesting, to see how we can communicate.
Okay so i've thought of an initial idea for this just to give it a go. I havent thought about were its going to be set, so bare with me.
- All audience will meet as jornalist in a famous newpaper confrence room, This is a farly relaxed room with newspaper articles of haunted houses, ghosts, crimes stuff like that. Everyone has there designated seats to sit in. (small audience remember) and the Boss comes in and says a few words about the paper, what they task is, and, the task is to gather video footage of the house what its like in the house (Now hopefully someone would of gathered that this plot could be a wee bit like the game Outlast, thats sort of where im going with it)
- The Audience are sitting at there chosen desk. Each desk is sorted with refreshments and a different true story of a murder or insane asylem something they came read into, full of documents, containing things from police reports to horrific photographs, things that they audeinece member can look threw at there own leasure. there could be interview recordings, things like that.
- Soon the boss calls up one person at a time. (somehow we would have to get hold of there names, maybe with some sort of signing in sheet.) Boss tells them how important this is and sends that person on his way.
- they would go threw a house freaky adventure, As soon as they go in they will find a night vision camera, and that would be their source of light. I haven't thought of a ending yet, or a middle, im thinking end it back at the newspaper place or at a hospital. my hospital idea was that near to the end of the nightmear, an actor would try and get the audience member to lie down on the bed, then go threw a series of horrors before going threw the doubles doors to a bright white light that is the hospital.
Then when the One member is out, another goes in. I hope you understand what I mean. I know my idea has alot of flaws in.
I want to use Practitioners, ranging from Stanifslavski for the Boss, to Artaud, and Grotowski, for the nightmare. But really going into depth with the practitioners, so that there is a clear difference in the acting. I want to use Voice for the video recordings for each scene, Mainly experimenting, on trying to change the Voice slightly, and discretely and see how that makes a difference to how the audience feel about that character.
If we do go ahead with this sort of idea and develop it, Maybe we could see if the production, costume, and make up teams are interested. Get as much help as we can.
Please tell me what you think. Also here are some picture from the game outlast to give you an idea, I do want to base is on this game.

this is really exciting Cody, well done. Can't wait to work with you all again. Keep thinking of ideas, lots of exciting projects this year. See you all soon.
ReplyDeleteDitto Cody, well done!