Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Ageing in Animals

On average animals age quicker than humans but still need the same need, care and attention as they grow older. Animals can and will suffer from the same elements as the elderly like the loss of hearing, vision, arthritis and dementia among others.

For example my cat Molly is now 16 and she is now showing signs of old age, she has a limp due to arthritis and a non cancerous lump (which we can't take out but don't worry she isn't in any pain), she can't really see (I know this because sometimes she doesn't see her food in front of her face haha) and her hearing is going. Us as a family believe she's got dementia like symptoms as she forgets that she's just been fed and cries when she can't find anyone - she likes to be with someone. Sometimes we all think she's lying because she will then run up and down the garden and climb trees like she's 4 again. Molly is old but she is still young, she doesn't have grey fur - it's still the most beautiful tortoiseshell hair that I've seen from when I first got her. She still acts like a princess and she should do, she loves the little things like sitting in the sun, eating grass, sleeping, eating a dorito or a digestive if she manages to get one as well as having the hairdryer being blown in her face!

Does anyone else have an pet? Please may you share your pet stories relating to age. 

Ageing isn't just in humans, here are a few facts.

  • Mayflies 1-24 hours
  • Gastrotrichs live only three days but their life is uneventful, they spend the day floating in the water, occasionally attach themselves to a rock but mostly eat (I wouldn't want to be a Gastrotrich).
  • Dragonfly only 4 months
  • Ant just half a year
  • Chicken 15 years (I didn't chickens lived that long!)
  • A Dwarf Lemur can live up to 20 years but spends 7 months hibernating a year which means in its lifetime it sleeps just over 11 and a half years!
  • Cows live up to 22 years
  • Horses live up to a short 25 years to 30
  • Camels live to 40-50
  • Asian, adult Elephants who live in the wild live until 70 but in captivity they only live until they reach the age of 33 (half there lifespan)
  • Nile Crocodile can live from 70-100 years old
  • Lobsters 100+
  • A Galapagos Land Tortoise can live up to 193 years
  • A Freshwater pearl mussel live up to 210-250 years
  • It's rare but a Bowhead Whale can live up to 250 years (oldest living mammals)
  • Ocean Quahogs (calm like creatures) are usually around 400-500 years old

These are rather funny facts about different types of animals. I had a thought that you could link them back to old age humans vs animals. You could make it into a quiz within the leaflet given before the show so through out the performance we would tell them the answers and drop hints to the questions and in the end we could give out a prize (maybe made in the show) to the person/s who has got them all right. We could do this as a test of their visual and listening skills - testing the audience. 
Any thoughts?

...But do you really want to do that when a Victoria sponge cake is sitting right there in front of you?

...Well they told me I talked a lot

...Well if I ever broke a arm or a leg at least they would come back and if I had an extra arm that would be handy!

...Well that wouldn't work, I would have to watch someones tail then they would have to turn around to look at my tail...I think we would get dizzy!

...That's sad, lovely but sad

...Now that's more like it!

...What would you do to win over your lover? Do a romantic gesture, sing a song, bring them some food...
...Or bring them a pebble? No way you must be joking, although if I was a penguin I think I would prefer a pebble to a fish. 

...Well at least I would be a good diver!

...You know when you have your grandparent over and they just kind of nod off on the sofa, on the kitchen chair, anywhere well they are like a panda!

...What about if we all started old but got younger? Or what about if we all started out looking old but were young but developed young but looked old. What would you decide?

Monday, 30 March 2015


Hello all, please share recordings and videos of interviews you complete as soon as you have them. Need to work on the script and ideas and i need your material.

I hope you are all working on selling tickets too.



happy easter

Friday, 27 March 2015

Script Ideas & Interviews

Im planning to write some script over the break and watched this and thought it was a great set up and something we could try in-between the physical theatre pieces to create dimension and contrast. I would create the script out of the interviews I had done and put them together to construct a comedic, factual Stanislavski type of script. If anyone has don't any interviews I would love to add them in, my email address is anname@me.com

Or even a monolog combining the interviews which is said by an actor on stage backed up by either physical theatre, puppets or a video projected behind the actor. 

Interviews with the older generation - these are worth a watch!

100 year old lady - listen to the "hat story" (1:00-1:45)

"Kids are just going to be born with just big thumbs"

"Keep positive. I exercise every morning"

"The greatest invention, oh right now? I like the uh microwave because I don't have to cook"

She plays the harmonica (7:35-8.06)

"I don't like how the younger generation is going, their just going to wild. Their loosing all their religion which is very bad and they don't have respect like they used to have. A lot of people say that, like the old they don't have respect for one another. There's no curtsy or I's sorry, there's just not enough respect."

Fern Groh's Interview at 103 - "If your not in good health your not going to enjoy anything, but if your in good health you can enjoy anything"

100 year old best friends - 
Lady Right: "When do you take a picture of yourself?"
Lady Left: "Oh, they do it....they do it"
Lady Right: "I dont"
Lady Left: "No you don't and I don't, but they do"
Lady Right: "Who's they?"
Lady Left: "Other people. I've got to try that sometime"
Lady Right: "I've had enough pictures taken of me, I don't have take my own picture"

Lady left: "North! Who's name is that?!"
Lady Right: "Spell it"
Lady Left: "N.O.R.T.H... Your kidding!"

Notes from 'Public Wisdom'

>Path to well being
>Story's through steps ?
> 'Future is now'
>Community in which they are old/ Intergeneration areas
> Young knowing the elderly as people
>Something more than just being in a room together ?
> Public spaces for young and old.
>Bedroom tax ( Investigate)
>Older peoples movement
>Reconfigure not retire **
> Ageing movement through time
>Quiet anarchy
>Recordings - Need to go out and make more records and meet old people
>Music never gets old

Dan- if dan ever reads this, we need him to set up a visit to elderly people at homes. unless there are systems in place to do that without dan.

I felt that yesterday really helps structure the show in my head, and clear some things i was worryed about.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Alphabetical Filing/Grey-Silver Hair

Finge Order so far:
  • Cake candle fingers
  • Shoes and candles (text about each step is closer)
  • I'm Charlotte
  • Everybody's age
  • Charlotte text
  • Wrinkle memories
  • Monroe
  • Best thing about being 20/21 etc...
  • Jack & Cody motif
  • My grandfathers advice
  • Forward go - 20 stops - 10 to 100 - back for 5 to 50 - up from 50 to 100
  • Backwards slow
  • You will grow old
  • Grandparents advice
  • Pregnant bubble bags
  • Victor's D.J Derek
  • Jordan's working out
  • Alphabetical filing

Considering yesterday we improvised the Alphabet Advice for the filing cabinet why don't we use that idea for the second part of the show and in the beginning have a A-Z of things associated with the older generation? Some of them I can't think of or if you have any others to add in that would be great. 

A - Aches
B - Bunions/Boring/Bald/Balance/Baking/Biscuits
C - Cracking/Creaking bones/Cakes
D - Dementia/Droopy body parts/Dogs
E - Eyesight problems/Easy chair lift
F - Flowers
G - Grey Hair
H - Hearing loss/Hair loss/Handkerchief
I - Impatient/Inability to drive
J -
K - Knocking knees/Knitting
L - Limpy
M - Memory loss/Missing teeth/Mood swings/Medicine
N - Naps/Napkin
O - Oatmeal/Opposite
P - Peeing your pants/Pills
Q - Quick!
R - Ready meals/Retirement
S - Shaking/Smelly/Sowing
T - Tea
U - Unreliable
V - Vaccinations
W - Wrinkles
X - X-rays
Y - You need to do this for me!
Z - 

Recently I've been seeing more and more younger people who have dyed their hair a grey/silver/white tone and somehow the stale shade rocked by grannies and the older generation over the world over has become a must-have for those looking to push the fashion boundaries.

Friday rehearsal

Hello all, lots of useful things from today's conference, very inspiring. will share with you here and on the script.
Those of you in tomorrow, please create some new material, conduct video and sound interviews and look at the google script to develop grandfather scenes. we really need to go visit care homes, find older people choirs, acting groups etc you really need to organise that and research for yourselves.
If possible, play with charlotte masks to see if that idea works. i will come in and see you when i can.

Mostly i think develop the grandfather advice scenes.
Songs and puppets
Find visual images/metaphors to do with the props.

Not much time after Easter so tomorrow really important to those that can make it. I can come end of day to see new/developed material.

Some things from the conference.

'ageing seems such a shameful thing, it should only happen in the confines of one's own home.'

Old people are invisible.

Old people need to be visible; younger people need to see that life has a narrative

Retirement means stop taking up space.

I'm going to age in public in the next hour!

I have to go to the moon and back before i can leave the house.

People that were there: shall we ask grand gestures dance team if they will give us their video to use?

Look up three score dance company in brighton. Age uk Brighton.

If the city was different, older people's capabilities would be different.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Rehearsal Wednesday 25.3.15

Please document today's rehearsal.

Also, look at this, it's very interesting and can challenge our (my) tendency to romanticise and simplify ageing.

from httpsthe art of aging

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Rehearsal Tuesday 24.3.15

Well done for today group, good working with you. Golden nuggets from today.

BTW, please tag brightonfringe and otherplaceBN when you tweet so that they might pick up and retweet.

  • Puppets playing guitar.
  • Lots of birthday charlottes with masks (Charlotte we need photos to turn into masks. Maybe the selfless? Props team might help if you give them photos
  • Grandma/Grandad Pairs
  • Jack and his filing cabinet
  • Creepy 'we love old people' song.

    Lovely motifs  (forgot to tell you to bank those)

    • Charlotte on the precipice
    • Anna looking at hands
    • Jordan standing up bit by bit

    A first script. Emailed to Sarah.


    1. Film a conversation with Grandad; good closeups (we might use iPad to cover actor face)
    2. Charlotte to make Charlotte masks.
    3. Film/ Record conversations with grandparents.
    4. start on programme. 

    Suggested questions:

    1. What would you like to talk about?
    2. What is the best thing about getting older?
    3. What would you give me/ tell me as a guide to life?
    4. what music track would you like me to listen to?
    5. What did your grandparents teach you?



    Grandad jokes...

    AGE of spades

    Interesting I think


    Panoramic age...

    How strange... I was trying to take a panoramic shot of the rehearsal room, and as I was half way round, Vanessa turned the lights off! However, it made for a more interesting photo... does a person's life get more interesting as they get older?

    The rhythm of life...


    Who remembers this? What does it say about age?

    If elderly people had a playground...

    A Super birthday

    An idea frame for geezers. . . . .
    So It's Charlottes 20th and 65th birthday she is a known retired superhero in her 60's.
    News strikes a new supervillian Dick-Dan-Daly is terrorising the city, with his crazy antics.
    Stuggling to come to grips to take down this force, she approches her grandfather and Ex Super hero Jordan-Justice who gives some great advice, sparking some profound thoughts.
    "the decayed flower will provide a comfortable living for new stems." (or some shit like that.)
    Anyway . . .
    What she lacks in her powers decreasing with her age, her mind is wiser and ever expanding.
    Using new found powers of wisdom, time, life expirience and time, she must defeat him.

    Still finding a way to fit an Ouroboros messege in there somewhere. But it's bed time for now night.

    Monday, 23 March 2015


    If anyone fancies doing some writing. i'm on the google doc.

    The task

    to look at someone's face. a grandparent ideally. and write about it as if it is a

    • map ( navigating where to go on the face and how to get to it) OR
    • a cooking recipe  OR
    • stage directions.
    try and use all the senses in your writing. smell touch vision hearing….. be concise, specific and economical.

    Sunday, 22 March 2015

    Old remedies

    Alright weaners got an idea for every time someone gives some one some advice or general diolouge, we could hit them with some old remedies example some one says "i'm feeling a bit down" some one would offer a green tea, or carry this horse shoe, or what you need is a lobotomy.

    Not too sure yet but i think we could work it in somwhere jizz nerds.

    a piece

    I would like to propose a piece making use of these bits of text. a good impro rule is to use these lines only. Think of theatrical metaphors. juxtapositions, playing with opposites. Think beyond the literal. The visual should comment on the words not say the same thing words are saying.

    From age uk

    Nearly half (49%) of all people aged 75 and over live alone
    those aged 50 to 59 – only around half (53 per cent) said they had hopes or ambitions.

    60% of older people in the UK agree that age discrimination exists in the daily lives of older people

    Nearly 2.5 million people over 75 live alone; 1.8 million of these are women.

    For the first time in history, there are 11 million people aged 65 or over in the UK1

    There are more pensioners than there are children under 16

    “When You Are Old"
    When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; 
    How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face; 
    And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.” ― W.B. Yeats


    Quotes & Photos

    Just a few quotes myy whole family say/use (including myself):

    Hakuna Matata it means no worries for the rest of your day.

    Bare Necessities - And don't spend your time lookin' around
    For something you want that can't be found
    When you find out you can live without it
    And go along not thinkin' about it
    I'll tell you something true

    Do what makes your heart sing

    Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same thing. 

    You'll never be brave, if you don't get hurt. You'll never learn, if you don't make mistakes. You'll never be successful, if you don't encounter failure. 

    Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get - Forrest Gump

    Life is short so smile while you still have teeth. 

    Everything happens for a reason. 

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass it's learning about to dance in the rain. 

    Live your life and forget your age. 

    Age is a matter of feelings not years/

    Live the life you love. Love the life you live. 

    Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.

    I don’t want a perfect life, I want a happy life.

    Quotes from celebrities

    “My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’e ninety-seven now, and we don’t know where the heck she is.” - Ellen DeGeneres

    “Old age ain’t no place for sissies.” - Bette Davis

    “As you get older, you don’t get wiser. You get irritable.” - Doris Lessing

    “When people talk about the good old days, I say to people, ‘It’s not the days that are old, it’s you that’s old.’ I hate the good old days. What is important is that today is good.” - Karl Lagerfeld

    “Youthfulness is about how you live not when you were born.” - Karl Lagerfeld

    “In the war, our elders may give the orders…but it is the young who have to fight.” - T.H. White

    “When humans were young, they were pushed around in strollers. When they were old, they were pushed around in wheelchairs. In between, they were just pushed around.” - Tom Robbins

    “Age is something that doesn’t matter, unless you are a cheese.” - Billie Burke

    “Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative.” - Maurice Chevalier

    “Age is an issuer of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” - Mark Twain

    “Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” - Mark Twain

    “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” - George Burns

    “Age does not diminish the extreme disappointment of having a scoop of ice cream fall from the cone.” - Jim Fiebig

    “I don’t believe in allowing my age to define me and I really believe attitude plays a huge part in how you feel.” - Christie Brinkley 

    “Nothing makes a woman look so old as trying desperately hard to look young.” - Coco Chanel

    “A woman has the age she deserves.” - Coco Chanel

    “Old age is just a record of one’s whole life.” - Muhammad Ali 

    “Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and I don’t have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” - Bob Marley 

    “To all the girls that think you’re ugly because you’re not a size 0, you’re the beautiful one. It’s society who’s ugly.” - Marilyn Monroe

    “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” - Marilyn Monroe

    “We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.” - Marilyn Monroe

    “When You Are Old"

    When you are old and grey and full of sleep, 
    And nodding by the fire, take down this book, 
    And slowly read, and dream of the soft look 
    Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; 

    How many loved your moments of glad grace, 
    And loved your beauty with love false or true, 
    But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, 
    And loved the sorrows of your changing face; 

    And bending down beside the glowing bars, 
    Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled 
    And paced upon the mountains overhead 
    And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.” 
    ― W.B. Yeats

    Photos from Friday

    Tomorrow's Task

    Hello all, tomorrow at Durrington. Please ask for as many props as possible to play with and come up with new material.
    On Tuesday first thing at ivy brook, after a warm up i would like to see a whole new show that you have come up with from beginning to end.
    If possible, anyone driving, please ask if you can bring some props to Ivybrook.

    This Wednesday and Thursday there is the first year show. They also need ushers so if anyone able to do Wednesday evening or thursday matinee or evening please volunteer.
    I need to know by tomorrow early morning who is coming to london to the age event. I am trying to get travel warrants and can only do that tomorrow so we have them in time.

    Thanks for the photos Cody i hope the make up inspired you.

    Thursday, 19 March 2015

    My new marilyn obsession

    These are the shoes.
    I think we should get Charlotte some.
    But Ami's nan said never to wear red shoes.
    Marilyn said be loyal to the face you made.
    But she also said, give the girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. (Marilyn, not Ami's nan).

    Notes from Rehersals 19/03/15

    motif experiment 

    ->Jakko & Jordan 'Monkey Cannon' and 'Baby Old' 

    ->Jakko & Shiv  'Bug Back' 

    -> Shiv & Jordan 'Human Walking Frame'

    Victor Motif 

    >Worked on tightening the fall and lean, Victor leans much more and the support slowly becoming flawless. 
    > played around with lifts and and leans, working with opening ( Victor covered in clutter)
    >Catch  V at the last second 

    Wednesday, 18 March 2015


    Can we get to making the programme early this year? ideally have a mock up to take with us as well as flyers for next thursday. We may meet people we really want to collaborate with.
    Here is my idea. Done better but this is a rough sketch.
    Like a guide to all of the cast, maybe alongside earlier photos of you?

    Rehearsal Wednesday 18th March

    Hello all, had an idea.

    what if there was a pass the parcel around the audience with little guide gifts? some advice, some fun stuff, a couple of mp3 players with recordings etc. By the end, the parcel gets to Charlotte and that is when she get the  red shoes. And Ami says my grandmother….
    Charlotte shrugs, likes them too much. Puts them on, dances. Maybe with an older person.

    Suggested Plan for tomorrow.

    10.00 - 11.00  Warm up practising the motifs. Finding new motifs for the little decade speeches.
    11.00 - 11.30  Refine Viktor supported motif
    11.30 - 11.45  Break
    11.45 - 12.10  Work on advice solos, Some can be more visual. Keep them truthful but try and find more theatrical motifs? Ideally to do with walking, legs etc….
    12.10 - 12.30  Run the whole show with all ideas that you have. See what new comes up. Where else it can go.

    12.30 - 13.30 Lunch (if you are having lunch together, think of lyrics, tunes etc for Thank F i'm getting old song)

    13.30 - 14.30 If Ami brings the puppets, Dan and Ami to write and practise dialogue with them
                          Jack & Cody to work on duet
                          Jordan Shivi and Anna can you rethink and work on grandparent grandchild dialogue
                          inspired by wet picnic. Think theatrical and very economic dialogue.
                          Victor and Charlotte work on song.
                          GG work on short piece; I didn't know my grandfather but i found these… letter. Strong        
    14.30 - 15.00 Share work and critique
    15.00 - 16.00 Challenge: Look at what we talked about, what you have liked, what you have learnt
                          Make a whole new show based on our blurb. Come at it from a completely new angle.  
                          Record or show vanessa next week.
    A selection of observations of elderly people from my work at the co-op! Sarah asked me to upload them to the blog! Some may need further explanation to understand them, but otherwise, each bullet point may be a good stimulus for you to use for making your own stories!

    1.     I asked an elderly lady,
    “How are you today?”
    “What?” she replied,
    “I said how are you?”
    “Sorry!” She said, “It’s just that no-one ever talks to me!”

    2.     Confusion of contactless card payment.

    3.     Keeping their money in their pension book.

    4.     “UKIP!”

    5.     Taking forever to find the right money

    6.     “How are you?”
    “Terrible thanks!”

    7.     “No receipt, it’s all on my computer!” He says, incredibly proudly!

    8.     Chip man

    9.     Yes man

    10. Loaf of bread lady… ‘Monster of a loaf!’

    11. Mobility scooter man

    12. ‘Much obliged!’

    13. Commenting on the weather

    14. 20 Pall Mall superkings blue

    15. “Could you split the load?”

    16. Trying to negotiate the aisles in a mobility scooter

    17. They always buy jam… always

    18. “How are you?”
    “Fair to middling”

    19. They are the only people who ever have coupons for newspapers

    20. Why 7am?!