"So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land!" - J.M BARRIE

"Why can't you fly now, mother?"
"Because I am grown up, dearest. When people grow up they forget the way."
"Why do they forget the way?"
"Because they are no longer gay and innocent and heartless. It is only the gay and innocent and heartless who can fly". J.M Barrie
"To die would be an awfully big adventure" J.M Barrie
I believe that whatever we may add to the Fringe show there has to be some truth, based on peoples stories/actions/personalities and experiences. I think it would be nice to write a scripted scene where some of what we are talking about is shown by video or photos which would grab the audiences attention as well as show them its not fake its based on a true story.
Script: (Based on a true story/incidences)
"Do you ever wish you could go back and be carefree as a child?".
"Yes, I want to swing on iron bar railings pretending to be The Hunchback Of Notredam and close my eyes and imagine I'm singing to a crowd of people - I still do. I'm still the child-like person, and my imagination hasn't changed I've just grown up".
Script 2: (Based on a true story/incidences)
"Mummy read me a bed time story last night, it was about a princess who cleans...and has animal friends... (stutters) and..and dresses up in disguise to see a prince.......(pause) I want animal friends"
"I have an animal friend, but she doesn't talk, she just talks in cats language"
"How can I make her speak English? (pause) Maybe I train her, (stutters) or...or maybe I teach her like how Dory speaks to whales?"
"But that's a whale, she don't breath sea"
"Oh well maybe I'll see if she likes treats - that's how mummy taught Monty. Although she likes digestives (stutters) and...and doritos (stutters, pause) so...so yeah"
Cloth (Endgame) - can be used within the piece and as well as in some lighting/the density of the material can look and be used to create an object for the set.
Example: grey cloth to represent the changing winds/times of ageing can then be transformed into rocks by people under it
Ageing is to brood and should be narrowed - look up stories old/new - pin point a moment
Projection on the floor - different shapes and sizes
Three groups of three physicalising on stage all creating different levels/shapes/dimensions and texture
Pieces of plastic reflecting the lights from the stage onto the audience
How do you fight your battles:
Grandparents - war/face to face
Parents - email/telephone/face to face/letter
Teenagers - rap/dance battle/face to face/bullying/social media
Children - push people in puddles/take their sweets

On the Street: What's So Great About Growing Old?
UP! - Married Life - Carl and Ellie
"To die would be an awfully big adventure" that's a cool quote there bannana