Tuesday 19 May 2015

Unit 11 Presentations

Hello all, i will confirm timing for these presentations later on but for now, please remember you have to present on the fringe project for assessment on unit 11. These are the criteria and the presentations will be individual ones, 10 minutes each, to tutors and the group.
Reminder of criteria for unit 11:

On completion of the unit you should have:

1.     developed knowledge and understanding of requirements for entering industry practice
2.     demonstrated competency with presenting and representing self as an industry-ready practitioner
3.     demonstrated employability in a work-based or simulated work-based context 

4.     developed self-awareness as a practitioner from evaluating own practice in relation to contexts for industry practice

Consider what you want to present on your learning and your future place in the industry. Avoid describing the experience; instead analyse the processes and learning. You might focus for example on your experience and research on devising and how that compares to other companies. Marketing, pitching, audience engagement, costs, audience feedback etc. How did the process and show compare to other shows in the fringe? What was the target audience, how did the creative writing collaboration work etc...


  1. This may be a stupid question but is this an actual presentation to the class so like we present what happened at the Fringe and our experience/what we learnt?

  2. hello yes presentation to tutors and class for assessment. but don't describe what happened we all know. Rather focus on specific learning and research. For example, if you look at our twitter account there is a lot to learn about promoting a show. there are people following us still now post show. so the timing, the targeting and the tweets can teach us a lot about how we might have improved it. Make sure that you contextualise your own conclusions and learning in theoretical contexts too.

  3. Presentations at ivy brook next thursday morning. Please bring your own laptops etc if you are using powerpoint or any tech. Look at this link as an example of how you might contextualise the process. http://www.steamfeed.com/six-stages-cycle-creativity/
