Thursday, 24 April 2014

TIm Crouch Opportunity

You must do this, it sounds brilliant.

What is HOST?
HOST is a concept, a format that enables a performance of any discipline to be passed from one person to another in a relay motion.  In May 2014 we launch the first ever HOST – a relay play by Tim Crouch.  In Tim’s new play two people sit across a table.  One person will read to the other Tim Couch’s text.  The reading lasts 5 minutes and once completed the text is passed from the reader to the listener.  The reader leaves.  A new person takes their place, a new listener.  The original listener becomes the reader, reading the text to the new listener.  At the end of the reading the text is again passed on and a new listener enters – creating a relay.  Each exchange (listening and reading) will last for 10 minutes.
What will volunteers do?
We need volunteers to help us ensure the relay is kept in motion.  You will be on hand to step in as a reader / listener if needed, provide information to audiences / general public and be on hand to escort people to their seats.  No performance experience is required to be a volunteer.


  1. Ahh! exciting, I want to get involved for sure!

  2. yes do it do it. email the lady to say you can make the first meeting which i think is this friday! it sounds great.

  3. Have emailed and im going to meeting about it this evening at 6pm. Anyone want to come along with me?

  4. Alright geezers, i won't be able to get the time off work, besides i doubt i do all that reading stuff, have fun live long and prosper
