Monday, 12 May 2014

Movement and monologe - solo work

For my movement peice I am using an instrumental peice of music from the Matrix called Clubbed to death. I have chosen to use this as my stimulus because I am interested to explore the contrast in music and how contrast can be used in movement to convey conflicting themes and issues.
I want the music and movement to convey a story to the audience, maybe from conflicting perspectives which could be highlighted by the change in music.

I am interested in looking at a few styles of movement to concentrate on mainly contempory dance and physical theatre, I have started to look into diffrent styles of dance and storytelling and will be looking into contemporary dance such as 'Last dance at the penguin cafe' and will also be studying physical theatre to inform my choreography once I have chosen a theme.

For my monologue I am working on  a speech by 'The Wild One' from Cagebirds by David Campton. I am familiar with the play but have never looked into the role of the 'Wild One'. I am going to be looking into ways that I can adapt the role for a more modern audience and apply modern day meaning and intent to the repression felt by the character.

As of yet i have not decided what practioner I will be using for my peice and want to take some more time to research this and see what direction it would be best to take the monologe in.


  1. Have a look at Eugenio Barba as a potential practitioner to use. We will be doing workshops on his approach but it might appeal to you for this.

  2. Thanks Vanessa wil start looking into him this week! Been focusing on Laban and Lecoq last week, and Marcel Marceou
