Monday, 12 May 2014

questions =]

Hey Y'all !


My movement piece is going to revolve around smoking and the characteristics that come with smoking for example; the different ways in which people smoke and how people hold cigarettes. My stimulus for this piece is a character named Rust from a television series called True Detective. The reason I chose Rust as my stimuli is because throughout the series Rust smokes countless cigarettes, but the way he smokes intrigued me, which then lead me to think about how I smoke; then how every smoker smokes differently to the last. I will be looking to Growtovski's gesture to help me create this piece, I feel this; if used correctly could create a very disciplined and entertaining movement piece.

I chose this movement idea because it's an extremely broad topic to explore, I also think that once tightened and polished could look and sound interesting , the use of gesture will help create a feel of repetition, which is a theme i think is closely linked with smoking. 

I will be using the the instrumental to a Gorillaz song called "Fire Coming Out of The Monkeys Head" 
I will be playing around with different positions to hold a cigarette and once I've got a skeleton for the piece i can begin to put more interesting shapes and movements into the piece.



~Classical~ Prospero - The Tempest - William Shakespeare 

~Contempery~ Dennis - This Is Our Youth - Kenneth Lonergram  

both monologues will be approached with Stanislavski in mind.

I have chosen these bits of script because I feel they both challenge me as an actor to present 
different emotions within on piece of text.
i have chosen Stanislavski beceause I think this approach will give both these monologues justice and a real sense of character.

Both these monologues are challenging in different ways.
firstly the classical is in shakespearian which in itself is a challenge to get my head around.
The contempory is challenging because during the monologue the mood changes and finding the change in characterization will prove difficult.

1 comment:

  1. You will need to think a little more in depth about what you mean and how you will use Grotowski. Towards a poor theatre, a lovely accessible book by Grotowski.
