Jack did so well in this, we are offered another casting opportunity. For a male actor only i'm afraid this time.

We are looking for a male actor aged between 16 and 25
to perform in a Bognor-based project starting 9th December.
for performers
Theatre Gaining Skills is a production
skills training programme involving the creation of a 30 minute theatre
production for small children presented in a specially designed mini-theatre.
The production is made by a group of people aged 18-30 (the crew) who take on
the roles of set builders, technicians, costume makers, sound engineers and
lighting designers but do not
perform in the show. They are supported by a team of professional tutors who
ensure that the process is achieved within the very short space of time (2
weeks) and to a high standard. Once the show is ready for performance it is
toured to local primary schools and libraries.
Each production requires three actors and
because the script is developed from scratch we look for energetic, confident
actors who are quick learners, positive team players, and (ideally) competent
singers. The actors will be needed for short rehearsals in Bognor – mostly
between 4 and 6pm on weekdays but in the final week of the project the actors
will be needed during the day. Please
only apply if you can commit to the whole schedule.
The company will be based in a production unit in
Bognor Railway Station. The actors’ rehearsal
and performance schedule will be as follows:
Tuesday 9 Dec 4.00 –
6.00pm rehearsals at Bognor Railway Station
Thursday 11 Dec
4.00 – 6.00pm
rehearsals at Bognor Railway Station
Monday 15 Dec
1.00 –
4.00pm Technical rehearsal at Bognor
Tuesday 16 Dec
11.00am –
4.00pm Dress
rehearsals at Bognor
Wednesday 17 Dec 11.00am – 3.00pm Two
performances at Littlehampton library
Thursday 18 Dec
1.00 – 4.00pm
Two performances at Goring library
This is an amateur engagement but all travel expenses
will be reimbursed including train from Worthing to Bognor for rehearsals.
To apply, please email Hilary Strong (Director) on hilary@strong-ideas.co.uk or call 07808 481221
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