Thursday 6 November 2014

Victor - Unit 10a essay notes

-Check out Communications Theory
- Go back to My Athens, and check which info sources you have searched and saved.

Title: The psychological Edge of Social Media

Intro : What will you be discussing? What examples will you use? What theories and information sources will you refer to ?

I will be discussing how social media has been affecting society psychologically and in their communications skills. I will be using three video examples to base my discussion around, and I will also consider ways in which people get classified in their online communications, for example, “lurkers”. 
Example 1 - An i-phone advert , which frames technology being power and social media at the touch of a button and being at the touch of a button is a good thing rather than a negative thing.
Secondly, a music video by Ryan Lewis; looking at technology and branding, and how people get addicted to their phones, and how that isolates them and stops them from talking to each other or communicating directly.
Thirdly, a rap video posted to YouTube, which is called “Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?, which also looks at how technology isn’t necessarily all positive, for example it says that the average child’s attention span now is less than a goldfish.
Add something about theory here, or get a quote.

Para 1 – I- phone video

Para 2 – Music Video

Para 3 – Can we Auto correct Humanity?

Para 4- Lurkers.
       Online lurkers are people who anonymously observed the online community and social media’s without actively contributing to it.
       They make up to a lot of today’s social media community.
       Constant lurking can lead to loneliness and extreme apathy and distantness.
        Lurking can benefit to learning or E-learning.
       Overly Lurking can lead to desensitization or emotional distancing.
       Lurking is a type of free riding to take from a community and not contribute.

       Lurking online can also be positive for finding information fast and to understand the world quick by seeing what’s for example trending on twitter.

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