Monday 3 November 2014

Shivvy's Self and Peer Evaluation

Feedback for Everyone

I just want to say well done to everyone, you have worked extremely hard throughout the unit. In the audition process everybody was very determined when it came to rehearsing their monologues, everybody was very motivated and it impressed me.  What I noticed is that when it came to watching back the videos for some, the second takes of the monologue were better. I have to say in comparison of last year, everybody’s diction has improved a lot and that is one thing to be proud of.

The thing I like about Victor is when he performs, his voice, he has very clear diction, also he can emphasize his voice really well. The tone of his voice can go high and low and it is very useful when it comes to playing a character he has an advantage. I think Victor thinks about his voice a lot, more than character because his vocals are good, his pace it’s natural not too fast, not too slow it was just perfect. When Victor spoke his monologue I noticed that he struggled to get into character, perhaps nervousness may have gotten to him but his second take was better. He was relaxed, his character improved.

The monologue Joe wanted me to do was the Harry Brown duologue he gave me. When I first performed it I didn’t like it, I felt nervous and my pace was fast. I really liked my second take than the first one because I was much calmer thanks to Joe’s feedback. Originally I wanted to do it different from how Ben Drew (Plan B) played the Noel character. I wanted to play the character angry, vexed but it didn’t look good. Joe told me to be disinterested as to how Noel was in the Harry Brown movie.

With Jordan’s first monologue I understood the character he was trying to play, but the outcome of it was different. Jordan’s first take I felt it the pace was slow, dragging. It was hard to understand what he was saying because of the character he was trying to play. The character he was trying to play was to be concussed, zoned out, and scared. His second take was better I felt, the pace was neutral and he used facial expressions to express himself. His second monologue I thought was great, it seemed very natural, more lively.

With both monologues Jack’s focus was great, I liked how he used his character to actually roll up a cigarette, I thought it was a good decision to make, it worked for him. For his second monologue, I previously did the monologue and it was interesting to see the difference between mine and Jack’s. I took the approach of been a deep lover and Jack took the approach of doing drugs. I thought that approach was unusual because I would never have thought of it. It was creative that he had thought of it. 

I liked her monologue and I liked the way she performed it, it stood out for me, she was really energetic. I think Charlotte struggled to show her emotions but each time she did it, she got better. There was one time when I thought it was great she improved it a lot that eventually it became natural. The emotion she was trying to portray was anger and with anger you have to control your voice otherwise you are just shouting. This one time she controlled her voice really well and I thought she was really angry and not pretending. I say this because I have never seen her like that before, it was a first and because her cheeks were blushing red. Your cheeks naturally become red when you are angry and that’s what happened.

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