Friday, 27 March 2015

Script Ideas & Interviews

Im planning to write some script over the break and watched this and thought it was a great set up and something we could try in-between the physical theatre pieces to create dimension and contrast. I would create the script out of the interviews I had done and put them together to construct a comedic, factual Stanislavski type of script. If anyone has don't any interviews I would love to add them in, my email address is

Or even a monolog combining the interviews which is said by an actor on stage backed up by either physical theatre, puppets or a video projected behind the actor. 

Interviews with the older generation - these are worth a watch!

100 year old lady - listen to the "hat story" (1:00-1:45)

"Kids are just going to be born with just big thumbs"

"Keep positive. I exercise every morning"

"The greatest invention, oh right now? I like the uh microwave because I don't have to cook"

She plays the harmonica (7:35-8.06)

"I don't like how the younger generation is going, their just going to wild. Their loosing all their religion which is very bad and they don't have respect like they used to have. A lot of people say that, like the old they don't have respect for one another. There's no curtsy or I's sorry, there's just not enough respect."

Fern Groh's Interview at 103 - "If your not in good health your not going to enjoy anything, but if your in good health you can enjoy anything"

100 year old best friends - 
Lady Right: "When do you take a picture of yourself?"
Lady Left: "Oh, they do it....they do it"
Lady Right: "I dont"
Lady Left: "No you don't and I don't, but they do"
Lady Right: "Who's they?"
Lady Left: "Other people. I've got to try that sometime"
Lady Right: "I've had enough pictures taken of me, I don't have take my own picture"

Lady left: "North! Who's name is that?!"
Lady Right: "Spell it"
Lady Left: "N.O.R.T.H... Your kidding!"


  1. i've put all these interviews on here before.

  2. thanks anna, it would be great if you could make some short videos with interviews of people you know. mainly on good and negative things about being their age.
