Wednesday 8 April 2015

Conversations with my Grandad/30 steps to turning 20

Hello everyone so this is some stuff I have done for the Fringe so far this holiday. I have written down some random conversations I have had with my Grandad as I thought this would be easier as I don't think he really likes the idea of being recorded or filmed so I wrote them down instead. I do warn they are random and nothing to do with aging particularly just random things he has said to me. I recorded my nephew also talking about ageing but they wont upload to the blog for some reason so I will email them to Vanessa instead. I also found three pictures on twitter of someone explaining their idea of what they learnt turning 20 in 30 steps which I thought was really interesting. I don’t know how relevant they are or if they have any truth to them or even if anyone can relate? but on twitter people seemed to like it so I might quote it in a tweet on our show twitter page as well as posting it on here for us to see.

Grandad conversations-


*In a restaurant*

Dad: We should really leave the waitress a tip shouldn’t we

Grandad: Yea I’ll do it! *We were all shocked as he doesn’t say that often* My tip is always ALWAYS look both ways before you cross the road

This is one of my favourite pieces of advice he has ever given honestly made me chuckle so much

How old are you conversation- This conversation about how old we are happens no joke EVERY time I see my Grandad bless him he’s adorable!

Grandad: How old are you then?

Me: 19

Grandad: 19?? *like shocked*.....How old are you then Willie (This is my little not so little brother by the way)

Willie: 16 *I start singing 16 going on 17 from the sound of music of course*

Grandad: 16 going on 17? god *thinks about it* you are 19 aren’t you Willie??

Me: No I’m 19!! William is 16 going on 17

Next conversation we had-

*Me singing along to Wicked*

Grandad: Has she (meaning me) had singing lessons??

Dad: Yea (I haven’t can I just add it’s just easier to say yes sometimes)

Me: I don’t need singing lessons *joking*

Grandad: Oh right ok.....Shut up *I start singing louder* what is this? I wish she'd shut up...she sounds like a cats being strangled (This isn't about me by the way it’s the person singing on the CD)

Me: Well why don't we turn it up louder then (I was joking) *silence* she’s on Broadway in Newyork Grandad how can you say she isn’t good she’s one of the best on Broadway and one of my favourites

Grandad: On Broadway??? Well you could have fooled me Christ......Charlotte will be 20 this year wont she? (to my mum) god that’s crazy 20...20 years old *thinks about it for a bit*....she’s really blossoming now isn’t she?

Me: Blossuming what do you mean blossoming??

Grandad: Yea well really like coming out of yourself you know it’s really good and you cope well *gestures to his arm meaning I cope well with my Diabetes* *smiles to himself*

Completely different conversation but it made me laugh. This is on Easter day as well may I add.

Grandad: What shall I give all you lot for Easter then?....Right some money how much?....What about 3 pounds yea I’ll give you 3 pounds each

This made me laugh as obviously bless him he thinks that 3 pounds is a big amount of money to give now a day’s whereas it isn’t really. It’s cute though and I am obviously very thankful for it bless him.

I’ll write down more conversations I have with him and I’m going to start asking him more questions as from these conversations I am really interested in what he thinks is good music as he obviously doesn’t like my choice of listening to Kristina Chenoweth from Wicked!.

30 steps of what someone learnt turning 20-


  1. good. have you asked your grandad about videoing him? he might love it. you never know. can you try and write a short piece or sentences about what worries you about turning 20?

    1. What would I have to film him doing again? yea I'll ask him for us. I have tried filming him before answering questions about age and aging but he wasn't very well at this time so got a bit confused but I will ask him. Yea course I can I'll post it on here once I've done it!.

  2. hello don't worry about asking if you think it will not be fun for him. if he does want to do it, he doesn't have to be doing anything in particular, just talking to you. his best advice to you maybe for turning 20, something simple. But not if it will confuse or not be fun for him. thanks

  3. I explained it to him and he said he's fine doing it and he's coming round mine one day next week so can do it then for us.
