Wednesday, 26 March 2014

CHichester Event

1st thought! We need to go see one.
We need pictures of location and rehearsal time.

Chichester college
Charity event for 40 people.
Dinner break murder mystery.
Audience try to figure out who murderer is, questioning actors.
May 1st Thursday start at 12 till maximum 1.5 hours play time!


what is charity?
branch; community first response back up ambulance
whose is script?
own copyright
what are the rights and flexibility?
ok to edit adapt etc.

who is audience?
mix of older generation, family, students, lecturers.

tickets £15
3 course meal.

Looking into accessing the space to rehearse before

do you have budget?

when is it set?

Rod Stewart impersonator.

No budget from chichester college

Will author be involved in process, come to show? Let's misbehave company
author: liz davey

Has it been performed before?

Group 2 event manager 1st year foundation degree
4 business btec students
waiters will be class mates
level 2 kitchen students doing catering

Cast - play
4 male
4 female

5 boys
6 girls


  1. Really excited about this, Could I get a script off you to have a read through?
