Sunday 25 January 2015

Our Youtube channel

I made a YouTube channel for us. This is the link

I had no clue what to call it so for now it is called Uni shows but if anyone has any ideas to change it let me know. If anyone wants the log in details to change anything or upload anything I can tell you them or can post them on here for anyone if needed please ask if so. Also if anyone has a problem with things being on YouTube please let me know then I can always put the videos you want private to private.


  1. thank you charlotte. let's trial it, see how we use it then we can make private. Should i share with first years or should they have their own?

  2. That's ok!. Yes can do they are in the videos so they might like to see it!. Also Yvette made a Facebook group for v event I was going to share it in there so everyone could see it.

  3. Its up to them if they want their own I think we should keep a joined YouTube for the v event though so all the work is in one place.
