Sunday 19 October 2014

Acting for camera Actor research, note form. (not sure if this is right.)

unit 7. Comment and reflect on the film acting focusing on particular actors, formats and reading. Establish knowledge and understanding of defined methods and techniques the specialist disciplined practice.

 Forrest Gump.
I’m watching Forrest Gump - Behind the scenes, My notes.

‘He’s a very impressionable guy, forrest’  (T.Hanks. Date unknown)
What does impressionable mean?

 - Stupid Is As Stupid Does –

‘ he went to an open call, and he jumped off the screen when we saw him, because he had a very different type of delivery.’ (R. Zemeckis. Date unknown)

in this part of the video, Tom Hanks, and what looks like the writer of Forrest Gump, are talking about how they used the child’s voice to create the character of Forest Gump. They talked about how his voice was so unique when they were auditioning kids to the part, and how the child creates the voice of Forrest Gump so naturally. Kids name is Michael Humphreys, he’s from Mississippi.

‘ I’m no fabulous linguist, so I was really lost. And he just had this voice
 seemed to come out of his backbone.’  (T.Hanks. Date unknown)

 What I got from this quote is that Tom Hanks was lost on how he could play the voice of Tom Hanks and so when they saw Michael Humphreys, he examined Michael’s delivery of Forrest Gump’s lines, and took unique aspects of its and put that into his own voice to keep some similarities between child Forrest Gump and adult Forest Gump.

The film– my comments on how Tom Hanks portrays the character of Forrest Gump.

. The very first scene of Forest Gump (the feather.) I could see the internal monologue Tom hanks used. I believe he used this to show how he thinks (throw in fancy words)

. Keeps his face relaxed, (closed mouth) except for his eyes at times, spesifically a the scene in the hospital at night where lieutenant dan was angry at Forest for saving his life, in that scene I Believe tom hanks didn’t want forest to feel scared, maybe confused and he did this with simply blinking continuesly in short bursts. (Make this sound better)

. Stanifslaski – in the scene where Forest was getting treated for his gun-shot wound,  Forest got all the letters he sent to Jenny,sent back to him, the shot of him looking at the envelopes, has Jenny’s name written the exact same way ( same font)

. I noticed while watching the film Forest Gump, Tom hanks put Forest Gump’s centre of gravity a little forward, and it pushes his stomach out a little and pulls his arms back a bit. make forest look a little more dimwitted,

.The scene when Jenny can back to Forest and she saw her old house, she falls to the ground and Forest goes over to her, as he sits on the group next to her, I notice that Tom Hanks chose a  precise journey. I feel that Tom hanks has put a lot of thought into not just the thought prossess of the character but the physicality of the character. (link this to stanifslaski ?)

When Forrest first learns to play ping-pong in the infirmary, he is told the trick is to "keep his eye on the ball" by another soldier. After that moment, whenever he is shown playing ping-pong, he never blinks.  (IMDb. Date unknown)

In this quote this shows that tom hanks really comittes to the roll of the character. I personally didn’t notice that he didn’t blink, but if he did I think that it would make much of a difference to the story or the character, so I personally Believe that he did this for himself.  (link to stanifslaski?)


IMDb (Date Unknown) Forrest Gump Trivia. Available from: Accessed on 19/10/ 2014

R. Zemeckis. (1994) Forrest Gump, Film, Behind the scenes – Stupid is as stupid does.

1 comment:

  1. yes good start and detail in your observations. try and look at other actors too, maybe of different styles and do the same.
