Tuesday 21 October 2014

Heaven for the Weather, Hell for the Company.

Hi Guys.

Another little idea bubbling in this little head of mine.

I was thinking of playing with the idea of heaven and the question "what if your religion is not the right one to get into heaven?!"

Thinking we could set it in a waiting room in "limbo" that is filled with a certain amount of people from different religions, each devout to said religion.

there they swap stories and key aspects of each religion, waiting to hear from "god" to see who gets into heaven. (an atheist is also there -to his horror- which through out could be referred to as an anomaly) 

It is later revealed that the atheist gets into heaven  -to his horror-

very satire based.

could also explore use of projection and interaction with projections?!
A good example of this is Cube Theatre.
having worked with them a few times I find their approach interesting.

let me know what y'all think !

Jakko :))

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