Friday 24 October 2014

Unit 7: Acting For Camera

Unit 7: Acting For Camera

Johnny Depp

I am going to be focusing on how Johnny Depp portrays and develops his characters.

Captain Jack Sparrow

One of his acclaimed characters is Captain Jack Sparrow, a free spirited pirate who’s mannerisms are rather odd, hilarious, lucky and at times quirky but always seems to get himself into trouble but with his charm manages to get out of a sticky situation. His inspiration for Sparrow was the guitarist Keith Richards who appears as Jacks father in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest, “I sort of thought that pirates would be the rock and roll stars of the 18th century, you know? Then, when you think of rock and roll stars, the greatest rock and roll star of all time, the coolest rock and roll star of all time, in my opinion, is Keith Richards. Hands down." (Depp, J. 2003)

Not only just Richards but the animated skunk named Pepe Le Pew, "…this guy who was absolutely convinced that he's a great ladies man”, goes on to say “…just blinders no matter what the actual reality is happening around him. This guy sees only what he wants to see. Pepe Le Pew was the kind of character who always was able to run between the rain drops. He'd just always make it through." (Depp, J. 2003) Mentally understanding your character’s personality is good but physicalizing it is much harder, Depp came up with the idea that Sparrow should have “perpetual sea legs, you know from being on the water to much, so land becomes really hard and uncomfortable” (Depp, J. 2012). This gives the effect that Sparrow looks constantly moving, not being able to keep his balance, which in way describes what’s going on in his head “a complete drunken fool, not that he was drunk but every time I looked at him on set I always thought he had about eight vodkas or something because he could barely get his words out which would throw things off – it was such a cool performance and very masterfully done” (Rush, G. 2012) described by his co-worker Geoffrey Rush who plays Captain Barbossa throughout the sequel’s.

As a result of all his time and effort when it came to wrap up the movie “you go through a sort of a decompression, and a depression where you feel like, 'God, I've just been this other guy for six months or seven months. I'll never see him again.' It's very strange. I'm not real spooky about that whole, 'You become the character,' that's not it at all. Just, knowing someone so well and having played them, having them be second nature, it just happens naturally. It's very foreign to the body to stop doing it" (Depp, J. 2003). Overall Depp had executed his character extremely well physically, mentally and though his speech he articulates his words so that they are clear and easy to understand and hear, despite speaking like a drunken man he can speak very quickly at times but you can still hear that his diction is clear and precise with an undertone of epigrammatic to it to portray his character. Although sometimes his speeches as Sparrow become flowery and incoherent to express what he is feeling or to emphasize his physicality, or to enhance his facial expressions to show his emotions “It's a truly piratical performance: with his flamboyantly fluttering fingers he steals every scene in the movie.” (Ansen, D 2003) it all brings his character together, Sparrow to life.

Willy Wonka

In 2005 Depp joined up with Tim Burton to re-create the adaptation of the Roald Dahl book ‘Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory’ and took the chance to become Willy Wonka. Although Depp is known for taking on an atypical roles this was a hard one to do due to Gene Wilder who played Wonka in the first move (1971) variation so there was a lot of pressure on him as an actor to bring the magic, “To have a chance to inhabit Willy Wonka for a while and take him in another direction and kinda try and imagine what type of Wonka Roald Dahl would like to see today.” (Depp, J. unknown) “The idea behind Willy Wonka certain ingredient’s you add to these characters like Willy Wonka for example was I imagined what George Bush would be like incredibly stoned” (Depp, J. 2012). As an audience member and as an actor myself I never thought anyone would base there chosen character on a person that everyone knows but I guess in a way maybe that’s how he works out exactly what his character says and does – just like he did with Captain Jack Sparrow. Unfortunately even though the movie was a massive success and involved many amazing actors such as Freddie Highmore (Charlie Bucket), Christopher Lee (Dr. Wonka), Helena Bonham Carter (Mrs. Bucket) and David Kelly (Grandpa Joe) Gene Wilder believed that “Johnny Deep was an insult”(Dodge, S. 2013).


Rango, a lizard played by Depp in 2011, not only did he just voice the character but also got to grips with how “using the actors as a reference as an animated character” (Depp, J. 2010). Instead of just speaking like the nervous, rambling lizard he physicalized while saying his lines, which helped out massively for the animators as they could use his body language as well as his facial expressions to animate Rango. This gave Depp the edge of creativity because he was using his whole body to inhabit all the senses.

My thoughts

What I find fascinating about Depp is that no matter what he does or which character he takes on he always finds he pin point of the personality through other peoples manners or looks weather he picks and mixes from distinguished famous people, characters or animations. Looking at how he explores his journey to get towards his character is enlightening because even though I thought of trying it out myself I have never really delved into it and now listening, reading and watching Johnny Depp’s adventure of character making is going to have an effect on how I work as an actor. His devotion though out the whole progress of characterization, physically, his speech and diction to movie making is inspirational to me. “Scissorhands was a combination like the idea of a new born who see things for the first time and a dog that I’d had where it’s conditional love, this purity in my dog and those were the basic ingredients”, “There was something being very safe in being in that open to things and seeing things as in very new” (Depp, J. 2012). As an actor and as a performer I would love to expand my knowledge and understanding of acting and how acting works and I believe looking solely at one person has done a lot for me and I am going to put his practice in to play.


[Accessed on 19/10/14]

[Accessed on 19/10/14]

David Anses, 2003. And A Bottle Of EyeLiner.
[Accessed on: 20/10/14]

Sarah Debenham, 2010. Blue peter, Johnny Depp & Charlie and the chocolate factory.
[Accessed on 17/10/14]

ItalianFansOfDepp2, 2013. Ellen 2012 – Johnny Depp SUB ITA (1/4).
[Accessed on: 18/10/14]


[Accessed on 17/10/14]

Film Work: Short Movies

Joe had suggested that we looked at “BaneCat” as a good starting point, which I did and found that it brought me to find other short movies like “Identity”, “Post It”, “The Hunt” or the beloved short animated movies from Pixar “Presto”, “Day & Night” or the hilarious “For The Birds”.

The most outstanding one I found out of all the ones I watched was a short movie called “Mr. Forgetful” which is a children’s adaptation of Mr. Forgetful from the beloved Mr. Men T.V shows and books. While watching this it gave me an idea that we could do something like this for the Fringe, either re-creating a book or a myth (like Beowulf) into a piece of theatre while using well known characters that both the children and the adults would recognize. For example Sponge Bob could only battle in while it was raining or at nighttime or else he would dry up in the sun and Bugs Bunny shocked his friends and enemies when jumping out of the ground from collecting a carrot.


These were done just over a year ago, I will need to get them done again due to the fact that I now have longer hair and would like them done not just on a black and white background but outside to so they look much more natural, with natural lighting.

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