Thursday 23 October 2014

Tv and Film for Jo

                                       Short film


I have chosen a short film called happy cloud the reason I have chosen this is because it is animated and because it is created by a local theatre group in Worthing. This also won an award in London for short stories called the first light awards, the reason I like this is because it is unique and brings with it a weird comedy. This short movie attracted me and had me gripped by the first minute, so I knew that this would be the piece I would evaluate and use as my short film. The reason I like this animation is because it has an unexpected turn at the start which keeps you on your toes from that point, it also has a wide range of characters all with different attitudes which I feel really works and is well used considering that it is at an amateur level. This short film was realised in 2010 and won a small award which than made it get entered into the first light awards which was held in the oden theatre in London the short film than won an award in first light awards.


                                                   My actor choice


My choice of actor is David Tennant the reason behind this is because he is an actor that I like and admire the main ability that David has that I will be talking about is his ability to have great control over his voice which results in him being able to hold an English accent while suppressing his Scottish natural accent this technique and skill are things that I want to learn and master for myself as I feel it will help me in monologues and characters. You can see this happen in such comparisons such as when he goes from the doctor in the tv show Doctor who and than watch how he performs Shakespeare in stages shows like hamlet and tv shows such as Casanova. If I could have that much control I know it would help me in finding a characters voice or using it bring a certain character more to life, a way I can improve how I am now is to practise and realise what part of my throat is working and what part is tensing, this is what Jo has taught me and using that with phonics I feel that I could get to a whole new level.

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