Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Body Shop Event-Measurements

I've just got this email about the body shop event from Sian who is one of the costume lot about costume measurements. I thought I would post the email on here for you guys...

Hi, I got your email address from Hannah.

I’m Sian from the costume department for The Body Shop Event and wondered if it’s possible to get measurements from some of the Physical theatre students that are participating please?

We’ve cast you as Zombies as the Musical theatre lot got first dibs. If you could let me know a time that we can come to get measurments  we would really appreciate it. For any other information about what you’ll be doing etc please contact Blake or Julia, I’ve attached our Contact Sheet so you can find their addresses.

Sian Clare (Costume)

If we could make time to see them soonish maybe tomorrow or Thursday? that would be great as they need measurements asap! (As it says) So anyone who wants to be involved let me no and I will email them back!

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