Friday 24 October 2014


This has come from Donna, we don't know this person beyond the phone call but here is the proposal. As always, think carefully and be careful at outside castings and opportunities and keep us informed about them.

Good evening,
We spoke briefly on the phone today regarding a casting that I'm organising for our low budget feature film. 
Please see details below
The Hinterland (working title) is a lo budget sci-fi noir feature film shot primarily in Brighton.  The dystopian metropolis created by the local Director, Producer  and Cinematographer of Universal Pictures movie '' will be leaning on the talents of the vfx and post team that delivered Peaky Blinders and Sherlock amongst others.  The story is about one man's search for his identity in a world designed by capitalism.

We begin shooting in early December through to January with a 2 week break for Christmas. The actors will typically be required for three days a week.
We are holding a casting on Sunday the the 2nd of November at the Marina studio's we are looking for two lead roles and we want to use local actors were possible 

Ed – anti-hero 20-30's
Ed is an anti-hero – a black market games dealer with no scruples - a bad man with his slate wiped clean… His brain reformatted to zero.  But is his past a product of nature or nurture?  Will he relapse into hedonistic self interest or join the bigger cause of the revolutionaries?  His attraction to unobtainable Mia and her selfless ambition to change the world for the better of mankind hints at a brave new Ed – but is it actually all just a distortion of allure – is he really just after his old personality to be reinstalled?  He nonetheless possesses a manner of nihilistic inevitability.  Disdain and weariness afflict his every move.  

Mia – hero
20-30's Non causation 
Mia is a revolutionary.  She has a dark past that fuels her selfless drive to change the world. A tough soldier, she is logical to a fault - she rebuffs Ed’s attentions (Men aren’t her bag) but uses him to get what is needed, despite her suspicions of his ultimate intentions.  Her selfless acts of heroism for the greater good represent the best that Ed could be. She would happily give her life for this cause.  Perhaps the only happiness she will ever find.

To secure an appointment could all applicants please email me a photo and cv to this email address

Many thanks
Grace Wainwright Davis

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