Tuesday 14 October 2014

Acting for camera unit 7

Hello all, a reminder that unit 7 assessments coming up next week before half term. As well as the audition pieces, the brief also asks for these submissions.

  1. comment and reflect on film acting focusing on particular actors, formats and reading.
  2. Headshots
  3. Self and peer evaluations of filmed pieces.

headshots from last year can be shown to joe for feedback for you to reflect on. All other submissions need to be on the blog. Your practice needs to be supported by further reading, reflection and analysis. Please see reading on brief and links here for reading suggestions.

Assessment criteria:

1.     established knowledge and understanding of defined methods and techniques for specialist discipline practice
2.     demonstrated competency with applying defined methods and techniques for specialist discipline practice
3.      enhanced application of defined methods and techniques from investigating contexts for their professional application developed critical awareness from evaluating own practice in relation to standards established by the profession for comparable specialist practice 

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