Tuesday 21 January 2014

Beowulf in 6 lines

Hello all, you broke down the story structure in 6 i believe. Please correct/add/edit my attempt.

1. Beowulf gathers an army

2. Celebration for slaying the monster (Grendel?)

3. Slays? cuts off arm finds treasure

4. 50 years later underwater cave; monster dies

5. Beowulf slays the mother

6. Goes to fight dragon (to kill dragon he has to cut his own arm off)

Please edit these to make them better.

Another idea to run past you. What if with the personal stories one of you is the pedantic scholar too. they can come in with quotes about the text, how we are getting it wrong and the different interpretations that exist.

1 comment:

  1. I think Grendel dies straight away from his wound, not 50 years later :)
    Also Beowulf dies from a wound to the back of his neck
