Monday 13 January 2014


Some questions about the Lois Tyson reading

1. Can you summarise the article in 3 sentences?

2. Can you find the most interesting quote to you from the article? Practice referencing correctly in the comments section.

3. Now comment on the quote; analyse it, pick it apart, interpret, challenge it and link it to an example of your experience.


  1. From Daniel:

    The article shows how some things have an intention and a meaning such as how wrestling is fake but provides entertainment. Also how subconsciously it can be used for marketing and advertising like the blonde girl in a black dress for whisky. finally what you can get from this article is that people or a group of people can associate a meaning with a object or colour.

  2. Daniel - 2: "blonde beauty in the skin tight, black velvet dress" (Tyson 1999:326)

  3. Daniel - 3: The reason this quote is interesting to me is because it uses physiology to advertise a project and anything that uses physiology or the subconscious is of interest to me.

    1. ok, need to challenge you on this dan. You are saying why it is interesting to you, but not analysing what it says. try and interpret it and pick it apart for analysis.
