Tuesday 28 January 2014

meeting with designers.

Hello, had a meeting with the prop makers today and they have great ideas and designs. When both groups have time you can meet them and look at their process and very exciting ideas.

i forgot to take pictures to share with you here but for now, just want to say..... a book that is also a tent.
very cool.

Tomorrow i have meeting with the make up team at 3.30. Remember workshops with Tim Crouch in the morning in studio 9. Then we rehearse in the afternoon.

An idea on costume: (btw they only have 2 weeks on this project so it has to be quick makes)

Aprons. That are for cooking, holding swords, and represent characters. They are swappable, transformable and there is even a story-teller one with a tool belt that holds story -telling tools.

See you all tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Aprons idea is really good idea because, easy to make and flexible like you said, how about capes? there pretty simple and we could use them as a prop as well? create shadows or hide parts of the body etc with the cape? just a thought!
