Friday 31 January 2014

Brighton&Hove Show - Avenue Q - (Puppets)

Hey guys, I have probably been going on about this for sometime, but I think it would be a good idea to see not only to boost our theatre experience (what we have seen) but to also see how they use the puppets. The actors seem to be in all blacks while the puppets are brightly colourful and slightly cartoonish so that they are easily recognisable to the audience. I am such this would be a great experience to see it and maybe we might get some ideas on how to use puppets within our performance of Beowulf along with our personal stories.

It's being performed at The Old Market Theatre in Brighton/Hove between the 11th - 15th February (its not a long period space to see it, so it would be great to get the tickets soonish, as a whole group instead of some of us so we all know how to try and use some of the ideas within our performance)

You can see from both of these images, that even one puppet can be operated by two actors. You can also see that whatever the puppets reaction has to show by the actor. Some of the characters in Avenue Q do not have puppets they just play their own characters as an actor, this gives the show great dimension and depth to the performance. The actors that are using the puppets are generally in all blacks to make sure that the puppet stands out and the actors that are playing their own characters are in costume. The sticks that connect the puppet to the actor are in black so they camouflage and don't distant from the performance.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have already seen it, but its definately worth a watch guys. It's really good.
